Hi Night rider,
We too in the past had crossed into the Canadian border or Mexico without any problems with our license and birth certificates. We haven't since 9/11 and upon going onto our government site, it was indicated that your birth certificate must be filed within one year of your birth.
Since there was an adoption when I was 8 years old and they issued a new birth certificate with the new name and new parent name and destroyed the original, my date requires additional explanation as it is 8 years after my birth.
My problem is that my adoption papers don't quite match my birth certificate as the birthdate is one year different (my Mom always got the year of my birth wrong). You would think this would have been checked by the Supreme Court at the time but they must have taken my mother's word for it and not checked the birth certificate. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to amend sealed adoption papers.
It may not be a problem at the border but I don't want any trouble making it back to the ship with my family. Pre9/11 I would not have even given this a thought. I have decided to try it and I have decided to bring any and all other ID I have with me just in case. We did apply for passports last week but they may not get here before we leave.
We are really looking forward to driving to Emerald Lake. I know we will enjoy it. This is the first cruise I could get my husband to consider. When he was younger and returned from being stationed overseas, they sent him home on a troop ship. From what he told me, the whole ship was seasick for the ride home and I have been unable to get him on a big ship since then. Only Alaska was alluring enough to him to get him onboard. I know this is going to be a great trip and it will all workout! Thanks for your reply. Lynn