Cancelled the "Z".


Lady Jag

Well, we did it. After much deliberation, we cancelled our Zuiderdam cruise. Looks like we'll be back with our favorite cruise line again, RCI, on the Navigator instead. Thanks for all the great info everyone has posted about the Zuiderdam over the past couple months! Hope those that are cruising on this ship have a great time! :)

Debbie Mumaw

Lady Jag, we will probably go back to RCCL next time too. Things were okay on the Maasdam but not what we expected. Sorry you had to cancel before you tried them but I hope you love the Navigator. I think we will be doing that one next Dec. Let me know how you like it!


Hi Lady J,
I think you did the right thing. I was on the maiden voyage and was hoping that more recent cruisers would return with good reviews, but that hasn't been the case. Now they're even saying the food wasn't good! (We thought it was overall excellent). Hopefully in a few months things will iron out. She could be a really neat ship!


The best chef in the fleet (in our opinion) just boarded Zuiderdam for the current cruise. Food will vastly improve....rapidly.

We know of other senior staff changes that have been made and'll start to hear the usual wonderful HAL reports from the next 2 or 3 cruises. Give these guys a few weeks and you'll start to hear a "whole different story".

No question that Zuiderdam has had a rocky start but it appears they are well aware of the deficiencies and in HAL's usual competent style, they will be tended to promptly.

'Vegas Jim

S7S, I certainly hope so! We're just 3 weeks out and really looking forward to this ship.


Re: Cancelled the "Z".

Hope you have a great time.

Chef Mike Mahn is now aboard....and he is fabulous. He'll get that kitchen in order!

Post Edited (01-15-03 11:41)

Larry Diamond

Just back from that dam Z ship, had a great time food was great but they still need to work out some bugs. Lots of engine noise in the dinning room. those dam engines that pull you through the water as opposed to the normal props that push you through the water. Sounds & feels like a long base drum solo. We had the Scots & thier Bagpipes on the cruise & the first time we heard them in the dinning room we thought they brought drummers with them till we realized it was the engines.
Also on occasion we had the smells of sewage in our room & through out the halls, not all the time, but that smell really floors you.
Enuf negative, otherwise it was wonderful. The staff was excellent always smiling and always greeting you. Hope to get some pics up soon took over 200. Lots of editing


Larry - the engine noise about which you're commenting must be a recent development. I sailed Zuiderdam in December - at full speed, you couldn't hear or feel a thing in the dining room. In fact, I was amazed at the time.

Larry Diamond

The noise was not present in the entire dinning room. If you were eatting in the downstairs section, not by the windows but the raised center section we had noise. The noise was not affecting people at the windows.


Again, to those still not convinced, our cruise was wonderful.

Food was excellent.

Would sail Zuiderdam again any day!


Re: Cancelled the "Z".

If not the the Z, or any HAL, your next bet would be the X.


Celebrity Cruiseline is "X" ...All of their ships' funnels have the "X" on them.

(It represents the former owners, the Chandris family from Greece.

Mr Veendam

No the Grand Princess will be back in the Caribbean this coming summer the Med is out . We are booked on the Zuiderdam in august and still plan on going .And i have my TA looking it to doiny it with the Grand Princess as back to back cruises . I am very much looking forward to the Zuiderdam !!
Mr Veendam


Re: Cancelled the "Z".

As of today he hasn't succeeded! Just got off this morning and the food was the worst I've ever had on board a ship.......except for the Odyssey, which was outstanding!


Mike Mahn left the ship on 22 Feb - vacation, I think, but may have moved permanently.


O.K. Dumb question here but what is RCCL - is that Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines? Then what is RCI? Are they one in the same?

Does Cruise Addicts print a glossary for us in need o fa Cruising for Dummies? At least I did pass the Z test but I will have to admit that it took me a little while to figure out what P was referring to.

Lady Jag

Susan - There are no such thing as dumb questions here - or if there is, I have the lead in the dumb question dept.! :dizzy

RCI is the official name of Royal Caribbean International. They used to be Royal Caribbean Cruise Line, thus RCCL, but changed it to RCI I think about 7 years ago when they entered the European market - at least this is what I've been told.

No glossary as far as I know. For the longest time, I thought "DH" was "dumb husband", not "dear husband". :grin

Also, there is:

MIL - mother-in-law
BIL - brother-in-law, etc.....
OT - off topic
OMG - "Oh my gosh" or "God"
IMO - "in my opinion"
IMHO - "in my honest/humble opinion"
BTW - by the way

Maybe others can add some more common acronyms.