Caribbean Princess Question



I was on the Caribbean Princess on June 19-26. I went with my husband for our 5 year anniversary and we had a lot of fun. The only thing that bothered me was we could feel the ship rocking a lot. We went on Carnival 5 years ago and I only noticed it one night. I figured with this ship almost twice the size of our first one we wouldn't notice it. I was wrong. Even people at our table could feel it. It didn't make me sick but it made me dizzy. I've had some inner ear issues the past few months so maybe that was my problem. I'm not sure if Princess doesn't have very good stablizers or if the water was rough. I have a friend who gets motion sick very easily and he usually goes on Royal Caribbean and doesn't have a problem. I was wondering if anyone's noticed this with Princess. I was also wondering if Royal was was more stable because my friend has not been on Princess so he couldn't compare the 2.

Cruise cutie

Not for sure positive if it was in tune to your inner ear problem but would wager a fair chunk it was ..... I am a nurse and have sailed Princess Cruise Lines for 10 years..also was a Ear ,Nose ,and Throat surgeon's nurse too. for several years.:grin...I am motion sensitive and can feel waves and rocking easily..I've only had one night in 4 cruises on all my sailings where I've had problems.( and yes the water was rough..:(..).. I have been on only ships that were a year and a half old or less.. the stabilizers on Princess as I have noted have been amazing..we also stay midship on Aloha and Lido only for cabin choices....more apt to have movement there and I still have been great!!..I like being near the pools and force myself to do a lot more walking to get rid of all the yummo desserts!!;)..I hope that someone else whose done both cruise lines can help..we are booked on the Mariner in 2005.we shall see where I go with my motion sensitive body on that bohemoth good luck..Maybe between the rough water,you noting the movement, and the inner ear issues all contributed to the problem..I can only go by where I fall in this category..and I give Princess a solid A..Take care..Happy cruising!!..:)..Joanne


It sounds like you may have a little rough water, which was magnified by your ear problems. We sailed the Caribbean Princess in late May, and noticed virtually no movement. We had relatively calm seas, except for one day that was a little rougher than the others.

This is a subject that can be influenced by many things, including the roughness of the seas, size of the ship, senstivity of the individual, whether your somach is empty of full, and the age and quality of the ship's stabilizers.

I would not attribute the problem to the design of the ship or its stabilizers. You can be assured the new ships are being built with the most state of the art stabilizers. Keep in mind that although generally the newer and bigger ships will move less, even the biggest and most stable ship will move if Mother Nature wants to move it.

Although I haven't sailed the Mariner, I've sailed two other Voyager class ships, the Explorer and Adventure, and had virtually no movement.

On the other hand, I sailed the Celebrity Galaxy from Baltimore down the East Caost, and we had a 36 hour period where it felt like we were on a plane with moderate turbulance. Many people were feeling ill as a result.

Post Edited (07-17-04 10:11)


you must have hit some pretty good swells for you to feel it on a big ship like the carribean princess. was it like that the whole cruise?


We didn't notice it the first 2 days. The third day was pretty bad. After that I always felt the ship move but sometimes not as bad. It seemed like the evenings were worse. Sometimes I felt like a drunk walking. I would be walking down our hallway and go from one side to the other. I don't think we hit very bad weather. We kept watching the channel on tv which showed if the waves were slight, moderate or severe. They were usually slight but sometimes moderate. The third day when we kept hearing everyone talk about feeling the motion there were only slight waves. I was kind of shocked. I keep blaming it on my ears but my husband keeps telling me that he could feel it moving even though it didn't bother him.