We were at Charlo's and Carlies (as we call it) Oct 3/03, had a really good time, but........
I agree that sometimes things should be left alone. The new one is too big and spread out too much. Back of the bar is were all the dancing and action is, front of bar reminded me of a resturant, even saw small kids there (5 or 6 yr olds). The staff was lots of fun, just different. I'd still say check it out.
Regarding the commerialization of Cozumel, boy was I surprised. We were there 6 years ago and it was a quaint place to explore. Shopping deals were everywhere, and friendly shop owners. Now there are chains in there, no real bartering(sp), and in some shops as soon as you walk in a employee follows you around just in case you decide to take something. Still this is a wonderful port with soooooo much to offer, I like to go back and just visit the island for a week.