Carlos n Charlies Cozumel



Can anyone tell me if the new C&C is as much fun as the old one and is it easy ti find? How is the new Senior Frogs?


I was at C n C's this past May and had a BLAST! The staff was great and it really was like a big party. Although I never had been to the old one. I did venture up to Senor Frogs (it's upstairs from C n C's) and the place was nothing like C n C's. There was hardly a crowd. At C n C's the music was more of a mix of top 40 and good ol' classics whereas at Senor Frog's they played some techno mix.


Can't compare to the "old" Carlos n Charlies, but I've been to the new one twice. Didn't matter what time of day--it was a blast!

Those shot girls are dangerous weapons--you just give them money, point them at somebody and "boom!"


I can agree - watch the shot girls!!!!! Had a wonderful time on 9/8/03. It is so much fun!!!
Just be carefull Trust me Trust me!!!!

mike and mel

Caolos n Charlies is not the same as the old one. It is now Americanized. Be prepared and bring a lot more money for the new C&C. It is sleazier but still the crazy fun of the old one. Is is just me or has Cozumel changed entirely?


New isn't nearly as much fun as the old in my opinion. I was there the end of August. The facility is nice but it just seems even more commercialized. Still fun but just not the same. You can't miss it.


I went to Carlos N Charlies last Christmas and had a blast!! I liked it way better than Senor Frogs.


The old C&C was far better, the new has lost a lot of the "charm". Cozumel is becomming way to commercialized, too much another Cancun.


We were at Charlo's and Carlies (as we call it) Oct 3/03, had a really good time, but........
I agree that sometimes things should be left alone. The new one is too big and spread out too much. Back of the bar is were all the dancing and action is, front of bar reminded me of a resturant, even saw small kids there (5 or 6 yr olds). The staff was lots of fun, just different. I'd still say check it out.
Regarding the commerialization of Cozumel, boy was I surprised. We were there 6 years ago and it was a quaint place to explore. Shopping deals were everywhere, and friendly shop owners. Now there are chains in there, no real bartering(sp), and in some shops as soon as you walk in a employee follows you around just in case you decide to take something. Still this is a wonderful port with soooooo much to offer, I like to go back and just visit the island for a week.

Cruisin Gal

I love Cozumel. I love to go to the shops in the back streets where all the shop owners in the market have their "warehouses".

When you're shopping in Cozumel...don't buy anything from the places right at the end of the new pier until you go into the town square and hit the "flea markets"...or venture to the side streets.

If you want to buy say a bottle of pure vanilla you'll pay $10 on the front streets when you can get it out back for 50 or a dollar...American.

Check the exchange rates because sometimes you get a better exchange rate when you use a credit card than deal with the shop owner. The banks have the best exchange rate...and your plastic will give you the bank rate when it's converted.