Gina, I see you are going to NAssau. Well, we found some local cuisine that was SO incredible (and cheap!) I know a lot of people would shy away from this, and say we were crazy, but as you head back the ship in the early afternoon, when you are approaching the terminal building, look to the left, along the fence that attaches to the terminal building. There you will find several vehicles that are selling food, mainly for the dock workers. Find a white mini-van, and ask for a woman named Sherry. She makes home made Bahamian food (really in her home kitchen), and it is WONDERFUL! Start off with her conch salad, with peas and rice (you will be eating right there on the sidewalk. Just pull up a plastic patio chair, and sit with the dock workers). Put a touch of her hot sauce on the salad. Then when you have emptied the bowl, ask her to give you a taste of her macaroni and cheese. With a fried plantain for dessert, she will probably charge you less than $10. (Both of us actually ate all this, and she charged us $6). Tell Sherry that Don and Angie from Louisiana sent you. I promise you, it will be the first meal you describe to your friends back home. We did not enjoy ANY of the ship food as much as Sherry's home cooking. Good Eats. Mon!