My husband and i had a wonderful cruise, but i was just wondering if anyone else had info on what had happened. Wednesday night on our way back to our cabin from dinner they paged "morning star to cabin 6217" which was a couple away from our cabin and we saw quite a few "offical" cruise personel walking towards the cabin and gathered around the open door. We didn't think much of it and thought maybe someone was sick and i was a little worried because i lost my dinner not too long after getting back to our cabin and made my husband call and see if there was any sickness going around- they told him that a few people had fevers, but no one had reported throwing up. I stayed in that night and felt better the next day, but this morning before leaving the ship at breakfast a woman told me that a man had died that night and that was what the page was for. There was plenty of police around that room this morning taking out some bags of stuff from the room. I love cruises, but this worries me that they keep people getting sick so quiet. Just wondering if anyone else heard anything about this or experienced anything. It was the 6 day cruise departed may 6th and returned may 12th.