Carnival Splendor-Mexico trip


Youth Counselor
We are considering taking the Carnival Splendor out of Los Angeles to Mexican Riveria. Any comments on the Splendor? We have taken Ectasy, Conquest, Glory, and Spirit and want to know how it compares. Also, we are looking to take in July and was wondering are they still warning to stay away from Mexico due to safety and health issues? Otherwise, we will look at the Carnival Dream>



Staff Captain
First of all, no problems with going to Mexico any more.

I have heard great things about both Splndor and Dream but I like the Caribbean itineraries better than Mexico. Whichever one you choose, you'll be thrilled.


1st Officer - Navigation
You may have booked already, but just in case. I like the Mexican Riviera. I doubt it has the amount of snorkeling that Mbandy likes so much though. So if you are into snorkeling you might want to consider the Dream. As far as comparisons, we won't be on the Splendor until summer. From what I can tell, the Splendor will be just a bit larger than the Conquest and Glory, yet it's just a tad shorter in length. (952 vs 953) Both have 13 decks, the same number of crew, and Splendor has 16 more cabins - though it holds only 32 more passengers. And what I've seen in picture of the decor, it reminds me of the Glory.

Thanks for asking this question...I found it interesting looking this up especially since we will be on the Splendor this summer.