Carnival Victory ~~Flying to NEW YORK CITY~~~



Might we ask which airport that you usually fly in to. We have booked air/cruise with Carnival.

I know, Call Carnival but, this is more fun.

Also may we ask if you take taxi/bus can you see any of the city's sites other than the mass traffic. Does the route from the airport to the port termial take you by Like Time Square, etc.

The Scotts


There are three major metro area airports, Kennedy, LaGuardia and Newark. LaGuardia and Newark are the closest. If you want to do a little touring in Manahattan, LaGuardia is your best best. You enter Manahattan from the east side crossing the East River (ask the driver to take the 59th St Bridge instead of the Lincoln Tunnel and you'd be able to see the tops of the Empire State Bldg, the Chrysler Bldg, and the CitiCorp bldg. Also the Roosevelt Island Tramway and the United Nations. The New York Passenger Terminal is on the west side of Manhattan on the Hudson River. The sights you see on the way to the pier would depend on the route your taxi takes. you could always have the driver take you past the landmarks you wish to see provided you have the time. Get a NYC map and pick the attractions you're interested in, but keep the traffic and the time in mind. One other thing, NYC cab fare is metered, so the longer you're in it, the higher your fare will be.


When and where are you sailing on the Victory? We're sailing on the 20th of September to New England/Canada.