Cash Deposit on Imagination



Hi, only 1 month to go!! We are leaving on 12/5 on the Imagination. We were thinking of just leaving a cash deposit at check in so they can just deduct all our bar & spa purchases. We try not to use the credit card unless it is a complete emergency.
Does anyone know how much the cash deposit is on Carnival at check in?


I know last cruise we deposited 400.00 worth of funship dollars on our account the first day. Nothing at all was sail to us about a mandatory deposit. Iknow on their web page for a 7 day cruise they wanted like 250pp.

Remember that tips are taken off first.. so for a 5 day cruise for 2 people thats 100 right off the top.

Deposit what you want- when it gets low you will get a note in your cabin. You wnt beable to use your card if they turn it off until you see the purser.

Putting cash on your card-- you gotta do it anything before the next morning. You can still use your card. We went after dinner that first night and no one was in line.