cat 11 vs cat 12 on Ecstasy



Can anyone tell me pros versus cons of these two accomodations. I know that cat 12 is on the upper deck (deck 3) and cat 11 is on veranduh deck. Whick deck would be better.



Cat 12 cabins are much bigger and have a larger balcony. They are pretty private and would be quieter, as they have a passenger deck above and below you. The balconys here have metal plating up about halfway instead of glass, making it hard to sit and see at the same time.

Beware the cat 11 cabins on the Veranda deck. ( they used to be called demi-suites ). The problem here is that the last few, toward the rear, on either side have lifeboats hanging right outside your balcony and if you end up with one of these, your view from your balcony will be a wonderful view of the
side of a lifeboat. The ones at the front are very close to steps coming up from the deck underneath
and people coming up these steps will be right in your face. Bottom line, if you go with a cat 11, choose carefully and get one about midway.

Of the two, a cat 12 is better if you want privacy and a bigger balcony. You might get a brochure and check out the cat 11's . It tells you the ones with obstructed views but doesn't mention anything about the lack of privacy of the ones toward the front.
happy sails to you.


The prior poster is correct. I don't have a good photo of the Ecstasy yet (I am working on one), but I do have one of the Paradise (same class of ship) that shows some of what the prior poster is talking about. The cat 11 cabins are below the word Paradise on the top, while the cat 12 cabins are mid ship along the third row (from the bottom) of windows ...



For us, on Elation (one of Ecstacy's sisters), CAT12 all the way. It was like having
the ship to ourselves out on the 5x14 balcony. Amazingly, the folks in both
cabins on either side of ours were rarely on their balcony. You're fairly close to the water,
and the sound of the ocean is MUCH closer. The CAT12s are on the upper deck, which
is only the 3rd or 4th deck above the waterline. The CAT11s higher up were just as described
earlier...not much privacy (unless you were behind a lifeboat!). The CAT12 actually made the cruise for us, and we're really disappointed that the newer ships don't seem to have those lower balconies...we
actually planned our next cruise for that class of ship and cabin. OH, and the spray in some of the dirtier
weather was great..that's how close we were to the water. We didn't find the view sitting all that bad, but
we did have to stand and lean out to look forward or stare down at the water...kinda like dogs riding
in a car with their heads out the window.

terry a
Elation, jan06
Ecstasy, jan07


We were upgraded to a CAT12 on the Fantasy (sister to the Ecstasy) and are we glad. You can look right down into the cat11 balconies from an upper observation platform above the bridge. Not much privacy at all. We also found our neighbors didn't use their balcony as much either. Go figure, it was a very relaxing time to just sit and have a drink in the evenings or coffee in the AM.:)o If we were to book another Fantasy class cruise it would definitely be a cat 12. We just got lucky with a suite guaranty on that booking, or maybe they knew we would be spoiled forever?=huh We also found that the lower cabins tend to not roll as much in rough seas. (tu)If you have a problem with seasickness this would be a plus. Hope this helps you.
