Hi Diane!
Hey, I'll be on the 1/26/04 Splendour as well, and I've also booked an excursion with Reggie. However, I'll be snorkeling with the Manatees. You'll probably get Reggie, whereas I'll probably get his wife, or one of the other two friends/relatives he has working with him. Anyway, you can contact him via email at:
Regtour@btl.net or view his website at
www.regtour.com. Keep in touch, hope I see you onboard. I'm in cabin 3791 on Deck 3 if you want to drop by, or leave a message. If you're looking for someone to join you on an excursion, see a movie onboard, enjoy a meal together, or see a show, let me know. There's a couple of us travelling solo, so it'd be nice if we could get together. I was thinking maybe 5pm in the Viking Crown Lounge on 1/26/04 if you want to say hello? There's about a dozen of us so far from the 2 or 3 major boards who've been emailing each other. If you don't mind, please let me know who you're travelling with, what your dining time is, what cabin your in, and what excursions you've booked. Thanks! Take care and enjoy your cruise...
Tom Doherty
Cabin 3791
Dining: 1st Sitting-still on request
Flying in from San Diego, arriving at noon