Celebrity Infinity Deck 9



Hello everyone,

My wife,two daughters and I are crusing on Celebrity Infinity from Seattle in July to Alaska for a 7 days trip. This is the first time we are cruising and our TA has booked us on deck 9, inside cabin number 9115. Is this a good cabin or shall we ask for a change.

Many thanks for you help.


At first glance I would suggest that unless you can find someone that has actually been in that cabin and can say for sure what it is like ...CHANGE if you can. I t might be fine and it is close to the elevators at midship and handy to the resort deck with one flight of stairs. BUT if you look at the resort deck above it would appear to be right under what is the band stand and could be subject to noise from above although on an AK. cruise there is not a lot of activity at night.

Deck 9 has noise issues from the deck above in lots of area's and I would and always have picked another deck. Not sure how much choice you have though when looking for a cabin that will handle the four of you. Good Luck.

Hope that helps a bit.


If there's anyone who knows the Infinity as well as I do, it's Bob. Absolutely change your cabin to a lower deck. Sky Deck (9) is convenient to the pool area, but unless you plan on wearing ear plugs while you sleep, you will hear noise both Fore and Aft. Joggers, deck chairs, bands, casual dining room crew cleaning up and setting up, etc.

I see you're in an inside cabin - go to Celebrity.com and look to see what cabins are open for your sailing and choose something mid-ship on Deck 6, 7 or 8. I personally love the Penthouse Deck (Deck 6) but there are only 4 inside cabins - they are, however, beautifully located. Hopefully, one of those will be open - if so, GRAB IT.

You'll love Infinity - great ship. My favorite is Constellation, but the Infinity is excellent.