Celebrity or Royal Carib?



Any input at all would be greatly appreciated!

I've never cruised before - but would like to go in early december with my extended family:
4 grandparents (65-75)
6 parents (all 30s)
2 boys - 7 and 5
2 babies (both 1 yr old)

Money is no object - I'll probably get suites or balconies for all of us. Would like a classy cruise experience, but don't want to be stuck in too formal an environment - (ie) would prefer to wear jeans and shorts most of the time, especially with 4 little kids. Not really looking for serious nightlife - would prefer chilling on the deck with a couple of cigars! Last but not least, would like to make sure the 7 and 5 yr old don't get bored.

Carnival doesn't sound like my kind of cruise experience. That leaves Celebrity or Royal Carib. Anyone cruise on both with kids? Any thoughts?

thanks in advance


I have cruised on both but not with kids. You will find alot more activities for children on Royal Caribbean.


Celebrity would be a good mix. The newer M- class ships would be your best choice. Good childrens program and facilities and good food and service for adults. You can do as little or as much as you want it is up to you.


I have been on both many times and even tho they have common ownership, I prefer Celebrity for the service, food, ship maintenance.


Either line should be ok. Longer cruises you tend to have fewer kids. The comment about the M class ships I agree with also. The kids on a longer cruise on an M class could likely be the only ones on the ships. This can be both a bad or good thing. Depends on if you kids need to be withothers to have fun. The facility rooms for kids are just great.


Celebrity tends to lean to the formal side while RCCL has lots of programs designed especially for kids--especially on the newer, larger ships--check out the Voyager class of ships.. RCCL's kids' program includes several categories from very structured (for toddlers and tots) all the way up to a more open ended program for pre teens and teens.


I would opt for RCL with the mixture of ages, especially with the children. We have sailed both, the formality of Celebrity is wonderful as is the food, but RCL is busier, more fun for the kids and more likely to see the dress code you are talking about. Of course the shorts or jeans should never be worn in the dining room during dinner. Even the children will need to be dressed up a bit for dinner. Which ever line you choose you will have a wonderful family reunion I am sure.



I've got to chime in...
Celebrity is my favorite Cruise Line...
But, I'm also a Platinum level Royal Caribbean cruiser...

Don't let the "more formal" mislead you...when it comes to attire, I dress ALMOST the same on both lines...Shorts, T-Shirts and other similar casual attire is perfectly acceptable on both lines during the day...Both lines have basically the same number of formal nights per cruise--and I go with the tux--but, dark suits are acceptable on either...Casual nights, ALL cruise lines require long pants in the dining room...so, it's long pants and a sports shirt on either line...

The only real difference is that while RCCL only "enforces" the formal nights, Celebrity also has a couple of "informal" nights which they "enforce" (or, more exactly, the passengers tend to adhere to)...BUT, they have dropped the "tie" requirement and now it really just means a blazer or sports coat...At our table, half the guys wore a sports coat over a dark T-Shirt...I just wear the same Khakis and sports shirt I do for Casual night with a sports coat over it...

What actually makes Celebrity more formal in feel is more the little things--the lack of blaring announcements over the PA and other stuff like that...

You will have a good time on EITHER line...

I prefer Celebrity for a number of reasons...like food and service and the little extras...
But, I like RCCL as well...especially travelling with kids--not so much for the kids programs--both do well there, but for the sports amenities on many RCCL ships like Rock Climbing, Ice Skating, etc.

Good luck...


Sounds like Celebrity is a classier experience overall. Plus, it will do the little suckers good to get dressed up a bit at dinner and sit in one place until they finish their meal:)