Celebrity Prices



Has anyone noticed how high the prices have gotten for next February on Celebrity. This year the are asking double the price for the same cabin ( Cat 1A ) that we had the past two years on the Summit, not to mention that they are sold out for the month of February . I know that they canceled two cruises on the Summit for drydocking but this still seems strange to be sold out this early.


The Summit is NOT sold out for Feb. '05. There are very few cabins left but there are cabins.


Thanks for your reply. We prefer a 1A and they were sold out . We can get a 2A and have noticed that there are a few left.

It seems somewhat strange to me after having cruised the last few winters on the Summit and knowing that people have booked cabins ( 1A) in December for a February cruise yhat all the uper end cabins for all of February are sold out already.

I know that they have cancelled two cruises for dry dock and can only imagine this is the reason for the sell outs. Last year in May they were asking $4400.00 for a 1A in February and by June I had booked and paid only @2685.00 .

I have checked every other ship and with the exception of RCL Brilliance Of The Sea CAT D1 all have plenty of Veranda cabins.


The prices are double what they have been over the past two years. We were on the Summit in Feb 02 and 03 . Myself I felt that they had been cutting some services and really nickle and diming you to death over the past two years and now with the much higher fares I think we would rather pay top dollar on Raddison or Silver Seas and not feel like we are getting ripped off . What cost us $5000 last year will now cost $ 8000 this year. Nice but not that nice.


Celebrity are like bandits!

I really agree that Celebrity is ripping customers off. See my recent thread for a Sunburn Treatment they insisted. Ended up paying $1500 just for that. They will test and do everything in the medical book to whipped up the charges. Not only that I checked the itemized bill and found they over billed us by 7 dressings- each costing $88 a piece.They corrected and said it's an honest mistake.Really a horror story.


Realize that with the improved economy many people are putting deposits down on all types of trips for next winter. Also, some of the large regular and on-line agencies probably have cabins blocked for them to sell. However, when it gets into the 60-90 day time out remaining blocked cabins will be returned to inventory and when final payments are due and people find they are still paying Christmas bill some will cancel. So cabins may become available at better prices IF you are willing to chance it.

Spender Nui

Keep in mind that the list prices shown are only theoretical numbers. It's the old supply and demand story. Far out prices are always higher. How much lower they get and when they do is dependant upon what has been sold.


On May 31 2004 the price for a 1A cabin was aprox $3000 for two people on either Feb 7 or Feb 27. with plenty of cabins shown as open . On June 15 all cabins were shown as sold out and 2A were selling for $5200. The 2A are smaller cabins.

I have sailed on The Summit the past two February's and never paid more then $2700 for a 1A. Many people that we met booked in November and December. Just hard to believe that both cruises are sold out in July.


If you really need to be on that ship at that time, then I would deposit the best cabin you can and watch the pricing and availibility. Or if another ship will do, deposit that and watch the pricing on the Summit. If it does not fall before final payment you have a decision to make , I guess. Although I understand Celebrity is still good to deal with if the price drops prior to sailing, after final payment.

The above posters are right, cabins will likely become available closer to sail date, and you can know by checking sites litke travelocity and icruise.com which show the available cabins in any category.

Did you call Celebrity to find out it there is a large group that has booked the ship?Some groups block out 100's of cabins and then what doesn't sell is released.

Personally I don't think any ship out their is worth paying twice the regular price for.

We wil have been on 12 cruises by the time we sail on the Mercury in February for 11 days. The price was very right , so I booked it , but went inside so we can recover fromt he financial shock of our 17 night HAL cruise in a CAT A Balcony ,November.

Good luck with whatever you decide.