Celebrity rebranding/enhancements



Curious to know when the much talked about Celebirty rebranding and enhancements will be completed fleetwide. Besides turning Michael's Clubs into piano bars, receiving champagne upon embarkation and cool towels poolside, what other changes should I expect to see on Century this summer? Will the changes be the same on all ships, or will there be more offerings on the Millenium class ships?
For those who've sailed since the changes have been implemented, what's the feedback?


I see that you are traveling on Century this summer. I am on the July 26 Eastern cruise. What about you? This is my first time! I am so excited!


Have to go to their web site to find that out. Personally, I don't see any adds/changes that would make me pay more.

JMHO and I am a true Celebrity lover...


Sra.Liz, we're sailing Century August 9 - Eastern Caribbean. This will be our second time on Century and our 12th Celebrity cruise. Hope you enjoy your cruise!


We were on Millie the beginning of the month. As this was our first cruise, there is nothing to compare it to but if you read my review you may realize I had the time of my life. Anyway, all passengers were allowed to remain in their rooms until disembarkation started. Apparently this is a change since Celebrity does not make many general announcements Everyone is given a time to proceed to their assigned waiting area according to their tag color. There is also a daily Sorbet on Parade poolside and don't forget the topless sunbathing deck.

Celebrity's Feb. 11, 2003 press release on their website also lists several other new features. The press release states that these new features will be implemented fleet-wide in July.

Our trip was a wonderful experience. All I know is that it's going to be very hard for any future cruises to top that first impression.

Bon voyage.


do you think the celebrity is a good selection for a senior high school spring break trip? there will only be 4 families and 4 boys, not a large group. all boys will be 18 by then. are there other young people on the ship and is it a gorgeous ship even though it's older?bcarrier wrote:

> We were on Millie the beginning of the month. As this was our
> first cruise, there is nothing to compare it to but if you read
> my review you may realize I had the time of my life. Anyway,
> all passengers were allowed to remain in their rooms until
> disembarkation started. Apparently this is a change since
> Celebrity does not make many general announcements Everyone is
> given a time to proceed to their assigned waiting area
> according to their tag color. There is also a daily Sorbet on
> Parade poolside and don't forget the topless sunbathing deck.
> Celebrity's Feb. 11, 2003 press release on their website also
> lists several other new features. The press release states
> that these new features will be implemented fleet-wide in July.
> Our trip was a wonderful experience. All I know is that it's
> going to be very hard for any future cruises to top that first
> impression.
> Bon voyage.


I just booked the August 9th Century this evening. Although it was not my first choice, we have some friends who are on this cruise. I'm sure we will have a GREAT time. I'm frankly glad the decision is now made and I can just look forward to the cruise.

I was a little bit worried about my 3 teens having a good time, but in the past they just make their own fun and don't really participate in any planned activities. I'll be looking forward to reading all the Century messages over the next few months.



I don't think that Celeb does a BAD job with younger folks (teens) but they wouldn't be my first choice if I was taking people in that age group. I'd look at an RCI Eagle class ship (like Voyager, etc.), or maybe Carnival.



I can only say what I know. My girlfriend works on the Century as a Youth Staff. The programs that she tells about are wonderful and I'm sure your kids would be well received.


Celebrity just announced a new schedule of "guest speakers" for this Summer's schedule of sailings. There are some heavy hitter speakers and talent lined up.