As if the Infinity debacle last April wasn't enough, here's the latest chapter in the saga of Al vs. Celebrity:
1. They overcharged my account by $250, and categorically denied it, despite visual documentation in the form of a copy of my credit card statement. After referring the matter upward a few levels, someone in authority saw the light, and ordered a credit to my account "within 24 hours." That was two weeks ago, and still nothing. I checked back yesterday, and was advised that the approval was issued on 10/16, long after that 24-hour "mandate." It hasn't made it to VISA yet, so stay tuned. Incidentally, First USA (aka BankOne) has always been prompt in crediting my account (I've had it since 1984), and has never skipped a billing cycle. They don't have it because Celebrity hasn't issued it!
2. They lost the $125 coupon sent to them by my TA, and have graciously will forward another Capatin's Club Newsletter, so that I may have the opportunity to begin the process all over again. I offered to accept an equal amount in cabin credit, but I guess that such a resolution makes too much sense.
I've always contended that Celebrity's customer service is by far the worst in the industry; and rather than concentrating on topless sunbathing areas and poolside masages, their efforts should be directed toward hiring and training personnel in the arts of courtesy, efficiency and client satisfaction. Reps' attidudes have ranged from cavalier to condesending to patronizing - and I don't appreciate any of them.
These matters will eventually be resolved; but once again, Celebrity's customer service (or lack thereof) has reared its ugly head (and I do mean ugly)!!
1. They overcharged my account by $250, and categorically denied it, despite visual documentation in the form of a copy of my credit card statement. After referring the matter upward a few levels, someone in authority saw the light, and ordered a credit to my account "within 24 hours." That was two weeks ago, and still nothing. I checked back yesterday, and was advised that the approval was issued on 10/16, long after that 24-hour "mandate." It hasn't made it to VISA yet, so stay tuned. Incidentally, First USA (aka BankOne) has always been prompt in crediting my account (I've had it since 1984), and has never skipped a billing cycle. They don't have it because Celebrity hasn't issued it!
2. They lost the $125 coupon sent to them by my TA, and have graciously will forward another Capatin's Club Newsletter, so that I may have the opportunity to begin the process all over again. I offered to accept an equal amount in cabin credit, but I guess that such a resolution makes too much sense.
I've always contended that Celebrity's customer service is by far the worst in the industry; and rather than concentrating on topless sunbathing areas and poolside masages, their efforts should be directed toward hiring and training personnel in the arts of courtesy, efficiency and client satisfaction. Reps' attidudes have ranged from cavalier to condesending to patronizing - and I don't appreciate any of them.
These matters will eventually be resolved; but once again, Celebrity's customer service (or lack thereof) has reared its ugly head (and I do mean ugly)!!