Celebrity Summit 9/26



We are going on the Summit on september 26th for the 14 day Panama Canal Cruise.
We have heard that if you use your travel iron on this ship it will blow the fuse in your cabin. Has any one heard of this as being true on this ship or any of the Celelbrity ships? After being packed in a suitcase for the filight from
New York to San diego and 2 weeks of travel on the high seas, I am sure our clothes will need a little spot touch up for rinkles. There are 3 formal and 4 informal dinner nights and 7 casual nights. I don't want to have to use and pay for the ships laundry and dry cleanning services if I can get away with using our travel iron.

Les and Shirley

We haven't been on this ship.
However, here are some thoughts.
If there is a frig in your stateroom , you should be able to unplug it and use your iron without any problems.
If there is a 120VAC hair dryer in your bathroom, you should be able to unplug it and use your travel iron.
The entire idea of blowing a circuit is to not exceed the allowable current at any given instant. If you are replacing a refrigerator with a travel iron, you should be OK. If you are replacing a hair dryer with a travel iron, again no problem.
My final idea, please take a candle and lighter with you in case my ideas are incorrect. If you would happen to blow a fuse, don't worry. The cabin attendants are very interested in their tip and they will accommodate your power outage.
Enjoy your cruise and don't worry about a power outage. The crew will handle it in short order. Don't even worry about plugging it in!! GO FOR IT.
Shirley and Les