Celebrity Summit questions



My wife and I, veteran cruisers, are considering sailing on the 7-day Summit cruise of March 7-14. We have put a hold on the FV category (Family Oceanview Stateroom). This is unusually large for a non-suite at 271 square feet with additional balcony space of 252 square feet (correct--it's actually larger than a Sky Suite!) My questions are: Have any of you stayed in an FV or similar cabin on Celebrity? If so, what are the pros and cons?



Well I have yet to get into a suite of any kind. But I have stuck my nose in the door of a few and I know that the FV's are great.(from the doorway anyhow :) )
I'm sure you will enjoy the Summit a M class ship.

Welcome to Cruise @ddicts.


My parents have booked an FV for the Summit in May. If you do go, please let me know what your thoughts were on the cabin. Thanks.


nhl101 said:
My wife and I, veteran cruisers, are considering sailing on the 7-day Summit cruise of March 7-14. We have put a hold on the FV category (Family Oceanview Stateroom). This is unusually large for a non-suite at 271 square feet with additional balcony space of 252 square feet (correct--it's actually larger than a Sky Suite!) My questions are: Have any of you stayed in an FV or similar cabin on Celebrity? If so, what are the pros and cons?


Hey Neil,

Yes, they are larger - designed as the name says, for people with kids - so they have room to dress and sleep in comfort with 4-5 people. Depending on the price and how much space means to you, I personally wouldn't book it, as I find regular veranda fine for 1-2 people and don't spend oodles of time in my cabin, so it's a waste of money. As long as I have my veranda, I'm good. But again, only you know how much space is an issue for you and whether the price difference is worth it to you.