Celebrity vs Royal



My girlfriend and I (late 20s early 30s) are going on the Celebrity Century this month (JUNE). I've been on Royal Caribbean Voyager, and I was wondering how these ships would compare in SERVICE, ENTERTAINMENT, and OVERALL QUALITY? Also, how do the age groups compare?


We have sailed on RCI (Brilliance) but not a Voyager class ship. We have sailed on Century and plan to do so again next October. My son and his wife are about your age, and they loved Century (planning to go with us again in October). Century has a class of her own, and is one of our favorite ships. However, if you are expecting all the glitz, the huge amount of space, and the number of activities, a mall in the middle of the ship, you're probably going to be disappointed. They are two different types of cruises.

For service, Century is what I would describe as continental style, elegant, and restrained. The staff is friendly, but tend to speak to you after you have initiated the contact, rather than them coming on to you. Don't expect towel animals, they don't do that. The waiters will not be doing the organized singing and dancing routines. We got a kick out of some of that on RCI, but don't feel the "need" for it, and actually prefer the service on Century.

The food on our RCI cruise was very good, and I feel comparable to Celebrity... however we prefer the food on Century by a small margin. They will feature good quality, and the recipes will be a bit more risky, with great sauces and a bit more flair. As a a result, some people may not prefer the Celebrity menu because they "don't get it" or prefer food that is more traditional.

In the end, both are great cruises, and it's a matter of personal preference. My personal feeling is if someone doesn't like either cruise, they are probably too picky.

Don't worry about it... go with an open mind that you get to try something different, and ENJOY!

Bon Voyage!



I have cruised on both lines and found them to be quite different. the atmosphere in the caribbean on rccl is different from that in europe and the exotics. rccl tends to have more activities and has a gearing towards younger people! Celebrity's service is great and I really like some of the new enhancements!


I have travelled on both lines and find them both nice and comfortable. I've sailed RCCL transatlantic, Pacific Northwest and Hawaii. Celebrity as Western Caribbean and Bermuda...with New England and Canada this September. I am torn because both lines have their strengths and weaknesses. My first RCCL trip was on the Legend and I fell in love with the large windows and light that fell into the ship. Celebrity is a great line and gives great service, especially the Maitre d', Frankie on the Horizon. So enjoy the best of both....

Bon Voyage!


Been on both and both are great. But if I was in my early 30's I'd go RCCL.....younger crowd and more activities.


Either one will be Gr8 and paulfredo's response was to a T what I would of said. Bsea also hits the nail on the head with regards to activities as Celebrity is a more relaxing type od cruise with NO announcements was as RCCL is a bit more active and MANY more things to keep yourself occupied in with especially the Voyager class ships. Enjoy!!! :thumb



Agree with the above posts. Both would be great, depending on what you are looking for in food and activities.

Laurie :wave