CENTURY~Early or Late Dinner Slot? Any Suggestions?



I'm going to be sailing on the Century with my husband and mother-none of us have ever been on a Celebrity Cruise.
I would love to hear from anyone who has any advice on whether or not to choose the 6:15pm or 8:30pm dinner time slot-I'm torn. I don't want to miss any of the shows or entertainment in the evening, but if I choose the earlier slot I don't want to have to rush back to the boat.
*Any suggestoins on where the best seat/view is in the main dining room (1st or 2nd level/front/back/middle)? Also, are we able to request seating or is it randomly assigned?
Any advice on cruising from you veteran sailors would be great!

Thanks for all your help:)


I have never felt rushed getting back to the ship for the 6 PM seating. I don't like the 8:30 seating because that is too late to eat for me. Yes I'm an eldery 37 years old, but I just can't eat that late everynight. To me the question is do you mind missing the sail aways from port?

I've been there done that so I choose the 6 PM seating. To me the question is when do you and your family like to normally eat? That should decide it for you.



Our first cruise om the Galaxy we had early dining, and yes we missed sail aways, and did feel rushed especially on formal nights. On our second cruise we did late dining, which we did enjoy, shows were timed so you didn't miss them, we usually stayed up till 1:00 0r 2:00 AM so we dind't feel bad at bed time. Next cruise we are doing late seating again.


We've done both, and we prefer early seating. I think it's mainly a matter of personal preference, and what kind of a cruiser are you. We aren't port intensive cruisers. We enjoy the ports, but don't feel the need to spend every possible last minute off the ship. We often enjoy getting back to the ship before the crowds.

Further, I'm an early riser on a cruise. My favorite time of day is sun-up... before the crowds get up, sailing the sea or entering a port, just love the early morning serenity. Therefore, we found the late seating to be too late for our systems, and I didn't feel like going for a drink, a late show, walking the promenade in the moonlight, many of our favorite things were just too late when we did late seating.

So, what do you prefer?



Hi, I sailed the Century on May 17th...have a review posted if you care to read it. Had the most marvelous week in years:).
I prefer late seating and I agree with the other people who say its a personal preference.
Even if we are not in port, for me, I just prefer eating on the later side when I am on vacation.
Whether its a land trip or cruise, I don't mind eating all my meals later..don't mind if I eat lunch at 1:30...so dinner at 8:30 is fine with me:).
Here at home I don't eat dinner until near 7:00 sometimes anyway.
On the cruise, I just prefer to start getting ready for dinner at 6:30 and then having a drink in the Rondeveaux Lounge or Martini Bar pre-dinner.
Have a wonderful time, whatever you decide!


I like that Martini bar before the late seating. Early seating is too early for us. After a day ashore I enjoy a little relaxing time and do not want to eat dinner right after getting back on the ship and full from the Rum Punches.


We prefer early seating and even though you are a bit rushed I just don't like eating until 10 o'clock at night. Either way you won't miss the main show as they are timed for both seatings. They do assaign your table for you and you really don't have much say in it. Although sometimes you can work it out with the headwaiter on the day you board (as soon as you get onboard). Both levels are very nice, we have even had a table for two when we requested it. Larger tables are by the windows, but they close the curtains and you really don't see out of them anyway.Have a great cruise it is a great ship.

Laurie :wave


My suggestion would be early dinner for yourself and mother and hubby on late one...


Meant to say- You and mom on early seating and hubby on late-- bad mother in Law joke


Yes, definitely a matter of personal preference but I always choose late and actually will not book a cruise unless I can get this confirmed.

Besides feeling rushed to get back to the ship, I like to enjoy the whole process of drinks on the balcony before getting ready for dinner and/or some music and dancing or a glass of wine before dinner. It is a winding down from the day for me and I look forward to it greatly!

Also, early seating is where all the kids and families are and I do not enjoy that.

elaine B

Hi Leopardlee,

Just back from the Alaska Infinity cruise (phenomenal) and wish we'd had late seating. It was hard to get dressed in time and not feel we were missing activities even on sailing days. We were served afternoon tea and hors d'ouvres in my father's suite before dinner and never felt we could take advantage of it since we would go from there to dinner. We would also only get to hear one or two tunes by our favorite string quartet before having to hurry off. (They did play several times a day, though so we could catch them at other times.) I think I hadn't factored in that our party of 5 would stay up much later than they do at home when 8:30 would have been unthinkably late to dine. Also in summer in Alaska it stayed light until almost 11:30PM so it felt earlier.



I personally also have always preferred late seating. Getting ready for dinner at your leisure works best for me. I also love a drink at the Martini bar before dinner. Also if by chance the sailing has a lot of kids-- altho this is seldom a problem-- families do tend to pick early seating. I prefer the lower level-- seems more open and but spacious to me, but anywher is fine, really.