Century Food



Seeing as everyone is saying the Century is an upscale cruise w/upscale food, does this mean I can't grab a burger and fries? I am a very picky eater. Is there a variety during the dining times as well. Chicken/Beef/Pasta etc...??



Will try to reply to both of your messages at once. First of all NO your husband does not need a tux, just a dark business suit and tie will work, or you can rent a tux for about a $100 I think it includes shoes. As for your outfits, there are bargains on e-bay and a web site called www.discountdressup.com that may help you out without " breaking the bank"
Next I understand that the Century has a couple of snack bar type food choices near the pool. And alternative eating at the Islands Cafe as well as the Sky Bar ( it is not a bar from what I have read) Some menus from the Century as well as other info available at www.celebrity-century.com Hope this helps.....my wife and I are going on the Century in Dec.


Incredible variety in the dining room and buffet - good burgersand pizza available other times. Though, they could suprise Celebrity fans with some new creations.


You will be just fine. Celebrity tend to be a bit more of a dress-up line, but we've noted more trend toward casualness. I sometimes wear a tux for formal, but my last cruise on Century, I just did a dark suite.

Burger and fries are available everyday at the grill on the pool deck, this is for lunch time eating. In the dining room, you really need to try some of the different dishes. The beauty is, if you don't like it, they are MORE THAN GLAD to bring you something else. So, it's not like a land restaurant that if you try something and hate it, your still stuck with it or paying for something else. SERIOUSLY, don't be hesitant to tell them you want something else if you don't like the dish served. They get more concerned if you DON'T tell them. On the other hand, for people who don't want to experiment, although it's not always listed, they always have a steak available (sirloin usually) and Salmon. They always have a caesar salad available.

You'll have a great time on Century... don't worry so much, and go have a great time! We always do.
