Chairs on Caribe Deck & taking down balcony divider.



I was just wondering since the balconies are bigger than other decks if there is a lounger in addition to two chairs. If not, is this a request you can put in to your cabin steward ? I have seen pictures of several balconies with loungers on them, but I didn't know what deck they were on. We are cruising in November with another couple and booked our rooms next to each other and were told we could take down the divider between the two and have one big deck. If anyone has done this before, let me know. Thanks

Lady Jag

I think there is, but I don't know for sure. There are those recliner chairs from what I've heard, but again, haven't experienced it yet.

The divider is not something you can take down, as far as I know. There is a narrow door in the divider that the cabin steward can open for you so you can go between cabins.

We're in the same boat - 2 Caribe balcony cabins (1 for our boys & 1 for us). Wish they had adjoining cabins! We'll have to go out the slider, through the partition door and in the other slider all the time. :(


Lady Jag is definitely right. You cannot remove the divider, but you can have the door between the two opened. If you don't have a lounger when you arrive, simply ask your steward (it's easier for him to do at the beginning).


my travel agent had told me the divider could be taken down too. thanks for letting us know that it is a door that needs to be opened. ladyjag, at the risk of sounding cheap, do the requests you make of the cabin steward such as loungers do these requests come with an additional price tag, ie extra towels wine glasses?? just curious. we are also on the caribe deck dec 7th sailing

Lady Jag

No, definitely not. That's what your tip at the end is for - all those little requests. :) Some people will tip extra for those little things each time and you can do that if you want, but I always sort-of add it up when it comes to tipping in the end. Did he handle my requests? If yes, I'd tip more if I had made requests than most people.

On our cruise in August, we asked the cabin steward 3 times for extra towels every day. We were in a suite and there were 4 of us, so (dah!) we needed extra towels. He did it once and never again. Kinda made me mad since we had made it very, very clear to him we needed more every day. Thankfully, he redeemed himself in other areas.

If the person that brings you the extra towels or wine glasses isn't your cabin steward, it wouldn't hurt to give him/her a couple bucks. :) Wish I was going as soon as you are on the cruise!! :wave


I have received the same answer on other boards that the divider CAN be taken person even brought their own screwdriver ! So I am glad to know that it isn't just the door that can be kept open, but that the whole divider can be taken down. Thanks to everyone's response

Post Edited (09-22-03 15:27)


A cordless screwdriver goes a LONG way. :grin The doorway access as MANY have mentioned is the correct answer as are the answers to the lounger. Enjoy!!!
