Change dinner seating time



This is my first cruise and my husband is much older and needs to eat early but our travel agent, after booking the cruise, told us the only seating available was the late seating.

Can anyone give me any suggestions on how to get switched to the early seating. We are going on Millenium on 2/1/04 and are on the concierge deck in 9146. Help!!!


when you board go down to the dining room and there will be a table with the usual line of people and the the head waiter or some cruise line rep will be making changes as people make their requests. You also should call your travel agent and get them to try and make the change before you board.


Call your travel agent. If you are in a concierge class cabin, one of the perks is priority dining seating and your request for early seating should have been honored.


My experience (26 cruises) is that it is much easier to change from late seating to early seating than it is from early seating to late seating. Your travel agent should be able to do this if it is more than 4 weeks before the cruise. After that the papers are done and it still could be changed, but you would not have confirmation of the change. It would be good for you TA to request the change anyhow. ( You confirm as soon as you board) Why were you initially scheduled for late seating? (We have always had the early seating. It is the time of day that I usually eat regularly.) . Again, I would feel confident that there are more people at early seating trying to get to late seating than the other way.