Changes coming to HAL's luggage tags


Senior Flea Coller Tester

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
I will be curious to see if we get our luggage before 4 PM and after 5 PM. Rarely do we get luggage early.

Use to be that luggage was only brought up to the upper decks by only the back elevators which were mostly closed down to passengers. Now they are going to close down some of the forward elevators. Wonder how they expect some of us who can't use the stairs get from one deck to another.


Staff Captain
They know they can't take control of all the elevators. There has to be some availability for guests.

We're sailing Maasdam soon and plan to use the same Maasdam tags we've used for years. We're almost always in the same cabin and have a bunch of the tags they used to send us. I only skimmed DBA's post so don't know when the newest style is going into use.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
When the new tags came out --I converted over.

I'll be curious to see if we really do get luggage sooner than what we have been getting it.


Staff Captain
I haven't wanted to do 'arts and crafts projects' :) in order to tag our luggage.
Unless told not to, I'll continue to use the HAL tags we already have for most of the ships. I have a large supply.