I had been reading rave reviews on paradise beach,,, my friends just came home on sunday from the miracle,,, or glory i cant remember,,, anyways i had reccomended paradise beach,,, after hearing so many ggod things about,,, i had as well as they have already been to chakkanaab,,, they lvoed it,, they said it was their favorite part of their vacation.... chakanaab is pretty,,, but its a 12 dollar entrance fee,,, paradise beach is free, and they have drinks and food ,,, and stuff for the kids to do,,,, chakanaab is going to be teaming with people form the dolphin excursions, which you can watch relatively closely...
'good luck, cozumel is my all time favorite,,, also if you are there long enough, you can junk both paradise beach ,and chak,,, and take the ferry over to playa del carmen and go to xcaret.... god to i want to go tere,,,
the ship also offers it as an excursion depending on how long you are in port