I hear you MaryAnn. When I had my knee replacement last January, I had pressure cuffs on my ankles for three days, and I was forced to get up several times a day and walk. This kept me from developing clots. I'm sure that Charles wasn't able to be as active. Abdominal and any type of surgery on the legs are most prone to throwing clots. The blood thinners are not used to "dissolve" the clots per se, but to keep them from growing larger. The body will get rid of the clots over time. That's why Patti has to be on thinners for eight months, and then another sonogram will be taken of her lungs to see if the clots are gone. Of course, being on the thinners for a length of time creates other issues which have to be dealt with, but it beats the alternative! We will continue to pray that Charles will overcome this setback, and then continue to rehab!!