Cheaper balcony rooms... should I beware?



I'm planning an Alaska trip on the NCL Star and am wanting a balcony room. On deck 8, the four forward-most balcony rooms, two on each side, are cheaper than the ones before on the same deck. Is there any reason why they are cheaper? Does the front of the ship impose some form of obstructed view? Am I being paranoid?

Balcony BE, rooms 8512, 8516, 8012, and 8016.
You can see them here:



The cabins near the center of the ship are more desirable, so NCL charges more for them. It is not just deck eight. Take a look at decks nine and ten. The cabins in the middle are a higher category then the cabins near the front or back. For example, the cabins you are looking at are cat BE. The ones closer to the center of the ship are cat BD. On deck 9 the front and back side balcony cabins are cat BC. The middle cabins are cat BB. On deck ten the outside cabins are BB and the center cabins are BA.

The front and back of the ship will pitch (move up and down) more than the center. Also, the center cabins have a shorter walk.


I knew that the most stable part of the ship is the middle... but I got confused a bit by the super expensive suites that are up front. I think a little ride up the coast of alaska shouldn't be that bumpy so maybe I'll chance a front balcony. Thanks.

Don Clark

Its funny how they put all of the suites up front or back aft, where the worst ride is, when the best ride is in the center...... On one leg of the trip you'll be steaming outside Vancouver Island instead of in it, and it can get quite bumpy out there...... as compared to the Inside Passage......



the sea days can still get pretty bumpy . i always take bonine even for the alaskan cruise. i got sick the first time on the first sea day. and if you are leaving from seattle there will be more open water sailing. once you are the inside passage it will be pretty smooth, but you can never tell what the water will do. i will stick with the middle of the ship for less motion. i envy passengers that are not bothered by sea-sickness.