After the previous discussion here about that I was prepared for the question. No suite dinner. We had 3 suite events: a meet and greet w/ the Captain and Hotel Manager in the Neptune the first night w/ hors d'ouevres and cocktails, another meet and greet cocktail party w/ all the officers in the Explorer Lounge midway through the cruise, and a lovely buffet lucheon (shrimp, caviar, roast beef carving station, ice sculpture, etc.) in the Crow's Nest the last day with the Capt. and Guest Relations officers. Very nice all and a good way to meet other suite passengers,too. Our dining tablemates were all suite people, by the way. We had a ball together and in fact our cabins were all very close to each other. We were the last table to leave the dining room every night- never before 10:15. We were told by the Navigation Officer who sat with us one night that that is how they pick who will sit with officers and at the Capt's table- the Maitre d' looks for tables that are just having so much fun together that the Captain would enjoy being with them. He also told us who gets the lousy seats in the dining room, but I'm not going to post that here.
I keep thinking of little tidbits to report. I did ask Capt. Everson at dinner about the lack of enforcement of the dress code, both in the dining room and especially in the public rooms after dinner- lots of shorts around, tank shirts, etc. He said it makes him sick, too, but there is nothing they can do about it. I said it's just the 'attitude' of so many people nowadays, and he said I was right- the general attitude towards cruising and dress has gotten so bad it makes him sick, but he is not allowed to say anything to anybody who decides they are going to do as they please no matter how many they are offending.