Coffee Rotterdam Neptune Lounge



I understand by reading a lot of boards that the coffee on the Rotterdam is not rated highly. They use a sryup base which makes a consistent coffee and lasts a longer time. Many hotels now do.It does however not make an outstanding coffee.

My question to you nice folks is in the Neptune Lounge and the Java Bar are they using real beans for the coffee, cappuciino, lattes etc....,

I guess I should ask first whether the Neptune Lounge has lattes and capuccino?



Hi Mark:
I have NO Idea about any of what you asked, but you would think that they would be using Seattle's Best coffee, being there head shed is in Seattle.




The Neptune Lounge doesn't have lattes and cappuccinos right there, but I can assure you that the Concierge will order them for you lickety-split. :)

The Java Bar has coffee beans sitting right there, and they grind them. I really can't tell you what they use in the coffee urns anywhere on the ship. I have no problem with their coffee - I've found it much worse on other ships. BUT, I must admit that the cappuccinos on Crystal are far superior to those on HAL.



On our recent Amsterdam cruises, the Neptune Lounge had a wonderful "coffee machine". The steward poured us fabulous capuccino, espresso etc They had appropriate demitasse cups for espresso and then really nice, large cups for lattes, capuccinos.

I expect that if Amsterdam's Neptune Lounge was fitted with this great machine, Rotterdam was as well.

Post Edited (04-02-03 14:49)


That's good to know, Sail. Ryndam's Neptune Lounge "only" had the standard urns - but the lounge had only been in a few days, too.



Yes, the Rotterdam does have the coffee machine you are talking about- lattes, espresso, cappucinno, plus regular coffee with or w/out cream. Now that I have done it once I don't think I would want to cruise again w/out a Neptune. It just made the whole trip perfect and we used it and the concierge services much more than we imagined we ever would. You just never have to do a thing at the front desk, shore excursion desk, or anywhere else on the ship- Melanie and Gigi do everything you could possible need; they are fabulous!!! We got off the R'dam yesterday and they almost had to drag me off.



Welcome back. I'm so glad that you enjoyed the Rotterdam as much as we did last year. I see that you have now made the same decision that DH and I have made that we will not sail again without a Concierge Lounge. It's a bit of pure bliss is it not? I am anxious to know; did they have the suite dinner, or is it now a thing of the past? Again, welcome back.



After the previous discussion here about that I was prepared for the question. No suite dinner. We had 3 suite events: a meet and greet w/ the Captain and Hotel Manager in the Neptune the first night w/ hors d'ouevres and cocktails, another meet and greet cocktail party w/ all the officers in the Explorer Lounge midway through the cruise, and a lovely buffet lucheon (shrimp, caviar, roast beef carving station, ice sculpture, etc.) in the Crow's Nest the last day with the Capt. and Guest Relations officers. Very nice all and a good way to meet other suite passengers,too. Our dining tablemates were all suite people, by the way. We had a ball together and in fact our cabins were all very close to each other. We were the last table to leave the dining room every night- never before 10:15. We were told by the Navigation Officer who sat with us one night that that is how they pick who will sit with officers and at the Capt's table- the Maitre d' looks for tables that are just having so much fun together that the Captain would enjoy being with them. He also told us who gets the lousy seats in the dining room, but I'm not going to post that here.

I keep thinking of little tidbits to report. I did ask Capt. Everson at dinner about the lack of enforcement of the dress code, both in the dining room and especially in the public rooms after dinner- lots of shorts around, tank shirts, etc. He said it makes him sick, too, but there is nothing they can do about it. I said it's just the 'attitude' of so many people nowadays, and he said I was right- the general attitude towards cruising and dress has gotten so bad it makes him sick, but he is not allowed to say anything to anybody who decides they are going to do as they please no matter how many they are offending.