


Does anyone know if Norweigan cruises have R rated stand-up comedians as part of their entertainment. We have never sailed Norweigan before and are thinking of booking on the Norweigan Dream that will be docked in New Orleans this November. We enjoyed the midnight stand-up comedians on Carnival and was wondering if Norweigan offered entertainment as such.

Thanks in advance for any information.

NewMexico Nita

My experience with NCL is the comedians are not what I would call R rated; more like PG 13. Others may differ from me. This doesn't mean we don't enjoy them, it's just NCL is a little different than Carnival. Everything is more sedate, not like HAL; the crowd will be a mixture of ages, the clubs will have different people in them and lots of variety in entertainment. The Disco club does not allow kids in after 11pm I think. That will give you a clue as to R rated versus Family rated.
