Conniecat 6/19

Scrapbook Lady

I saw Connie yesterday and she looks good. She is having problems doing the physical therapy. Her blood pressure keeps dropping so low, 101/70. The real problem is her standing up.

She is still on dialysis. Although she said that her kidneys could start working anytime.

She developed a blood clot in her arm and it is swelled up. They are trying to desolve it with meds.

She is not happy about being transferred to a rehab center in St. Charles. On the other hand, I'm excited about..........ALOT closer to me.

Her color is good and seems to be in good spirits.

LOVES, LOVES the breathing kitty!!!!!!


Staff Captain
Thank you, Scrabook Lady for the latest info. on Conniecat. Hopefully the rehab place will be able to get her up and about and on her way home soon!

Get Well Conniecat!!!


1st Officer - Navigation
Thanks for the update SBL!


Safety Officer
Thanks Scrapbook Lady for the "visual" update! My prayers of course still continue for Connie's continued improvement. Give her our love and tell her we are all thinking about her and praying for her!


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Thanks so much for the update.
Nice to hear some good news, I hope things keep moving upward for Connie.
Prayers & well wishes continue.
Waiting for an address for Connie once she gets moved to rehab so I can send another card.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
It's great to get good news about Connie. Prayers continue that she does go to rehab soon as planned, and that she continues with recovery.


Staff Captain
Thanks for the update. And the visual description of her progress. Rehab will be hard on her but rewarding. And will wear her out enough that she won't realize that she is so far from her home. And will be closer for you.


Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
:sunny:I am so grateful for a current update..send our love, and prayers continue..been MIA for a week..this makes my month!!..hugs..Joanne..


Staff Captain
Even though it is not the rehab center she wants to go to, perhaps it is the facility that her drs think will best address her specific needs. When my DH 1st went to physical therapy the dr sent him to a much smaller facility than most people go to & he said it was because it is smaller he can get much more 1 on 1 attention. Glad to hear she is improving.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Thank you for the update!! Best news we have had in some time about Connie.

Hope she stays on this good path and there aren't any more setbacks.

Still saying prayers.


1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
Thank you for the update. Continued prayers for Connie's continued progress.


Trivia Specialist
Thank you Scrapbook Lady for the very positive update. I keep praying for small steps in the right direction for connie and I'm tickled pink to hear that she has a bunch of Where In The World puzzles to post for us....I know that she is just itching to get well so that she can come back and drive us all crazy again :biggrin: !!

You work on getting better soonest connie!!!