Conniecat update 6/1/10

Scrapbook Lady

Her son gave this information last night. Please keep her in your prayers.....

She's intubated now, and can't talk. She is aware of her surroundings, though she doesn't stay awake often. They're slowly backing off her oxygen and she seems to be responding well. They'll eventually stop it altogether, and if she's able to breathe on her own and keep up her pulse ox, then they'll pull the tube. That will take a couple of days at minimum.

They've been able to purge a lot of fluid from her system via dialysis, but her phrenologist believes her renal failure to be permanent. We'll have to discuss that with Mom once she's recovered further...

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Thanks for the updated information. Certainly doesn't sound good.

Still saying prayers for Connie.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
All I can say is Connie is sure a fighter...prayers that she can pull through these hurdles. Hugs and Prayers my friend.


1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
Prayers for Connie to pull through this.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Thank you so much for posting this info when you get it. It does our hearts good to know what is going on with Connie. Prayers she can pull through this.

How are the "boys" doing? Our thoughts are with them, too.


Safety Officer
Thank you so much for letting us know, as often as you can, what Connie's condition is. It's heartbreaking, but as others have said....she's a fighter and has LOTS of people praying for her.


Staff Captain
Thanks for posting all this information. Thank goodness Connie is a fighter so the odds are that she can fight this too. Prayers and good wishes are being sent continually.



Staff Captain
Thank you for the update. Sure hope things turn around for her real soon. . . . . . . .


Staff Captain
So glad to get the updates but sorry things seem to be so serious. Positive thoughts she will be able to overcome the problems she is facing.


Staff Captain
Thank you for the update. Connie is a fighter and I know she'll soon have this latest health ordeal whipped into submission. Please give her (((HUGS))) from all of us here at C@'s.


Staff Captain
I'm so sorry to read that Connie isn't doing well. Like everyone else I know she is a fighter. I will remember her in my prayers.

Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
thanks for the updates, and the weaning her off and getting the intubation gone is a huge battle..and then seeing her decision to even *DO* dialysis* prayers on her extremely fragile diagnosis..and deciding treatment after the breathing is set..her battle is unbelievable for tackling..I pray for her coping...fortitude,health care decisions; and honoring her wishes...Joanne


Environmental Compliance Officer
We must continue lots of prayers. Connie is a fighter and lets pray she can pull through this.

May our Lord watch over Connie and help her heal!



Staff Captain
Does anyone have any news today on Connie?