Conniecat update 6/4/10

Scrapbook Lady

You will not believe this..............Connie called me this morning. They removed the ventalitor yesterday afternoon. Her voice was raspy sounding, she says that she is weak and can't sit up on her own. They are still treating her for everything. She also says that she is not in kidney failure. They have been doing dialysis so that she why she's saying that. I'm going to see her tomorrow. She wanted me to bring her a crossword puzzle book. So when I get this done I'm off to the book store.

She would love to get phone calls 636-496-4220. That is the number for her room. She is in room 4220.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
I am glad to read that she is off the ventilator and breathing on her own. I'm sure she's happy too! Will call during the day tomorrow, it's probably almost 10 her time now. Pick a good puzzle book for her!


Staff Captain
I am so happy to hear she is doing well! Good news. May she continue to improve everyday.


Staff Captain
Now this is the way to begin the weekend--with some good news. Hope she continues to show improvement in the coming days.


Trivia Specialist
Ahhhh...some good news to end the evening...let us hope and pray that good news continues and that connie continues to improve over the weekend!!


Forever Remembered
Thank you for updating us, Scrapbook Lady. This news certainly is promising! I pray that Connie continues to improve.

I hope she receives the little "breathing" kitten plush toy I sent her - it had no identifying note in it.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Thanks for the update.

That is the best news we have had on Connie in a long time.

Hope it continues.

Prayers for Connie.


Staff Captain
What a roller-coaster ride for Connie! I hope she continues to improve, and be home again real soon.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
At last some good news, I hope things keep moving in the right direction.
Prayers will continue.
Thanks for the update.


Staff Captain
That is the third good news report that I have heard this morning and I have only been up for 20 minutes! I hope she continues to improve.



Staff Captain
So happy to read that Connie is doing better! Please give her a hug from me when you see her Scrapbook Lady!

I smiled when I heard that she wanted a crossword puzzle book as I am a crossword fiend when I am in the hospital - great way to pass the time! Can someone pm me the address so I can send her a card and some books?




1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
So glad to hear this. Looks like the cruise @ddicts prayers are working. Will continue to send prayers for Connie's continued improvement.


1st Officer - Navigation
So glad to hear she's doing better. Just back from 2 weeks in Alaska and trying to catch up. Hope all in forward progress from now on and she continues to improve.


Safety Officer
When I saw the "thumbs up" by the subject line, I couldn't open this thread fast enough! This is WONDERFUL news. Of course my prayers will continue for her continued improvement. :doubleup: