Conniecat update 6/5/10

Scrapbook Lady

I tried to post this yesterday, but the web site kept locking up on me. So, sorry for the delay.

I saw Connie yesterday. She is till in room 4220, which is in intensive care. I know she would love to get phone calls or cards. She’s been able to check the Cruise Addicts web site once or twice. The hospital has WiFi but her computer deals her fits sometimes. Her son was there and couldn’t find anything wrong with her computer.

When I got there they had just started dialysis. I was allowed to stay as long as I didn’t go near the machine. She is on dialysis for 4 hours every other day. She is not happy about that. They are telling her that her kidneys could recover. They have until tomorrow to start working or she is permanently on dialysis. She is in congestive heart failure due to her kidneys. She says that she will have to keep an eye on that even if her kidneys get better.

She was tired and weak. The dialysis has pulled a lot of water from her feet legs and hands. Her legs are no longer weeping. They gave her a pain pill while I was there and I think it was making her nausea. She didn’t eat much of her breakfast for the same reason.

Will keep you posted as I find out information.


Staff Captain
Thank you so much for the information on Connie Cat. She is so missed here, but we all know she is where she needs to be, and, it seems as things are starting to look up for her. Hopefully she'll be out of ICU soon and into a regular room and on her way home!


Staff Captain
Thanks for posting news about Connie. I miss her but know she is where she needs to be at this time. My neighbor is on dialysis 3 times a week and has been for years.

I hope someone is tending her garden for her so that when she comes home it is not mess.

Hope she continues on the path to recovery & can return home to the terrible trio soon.



Staff Captain
thanks for posting the update I will get a card out to her tomorrow prayers on the way as long as she needs them


1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
Thank you for the update. Sounds like Connie is somewhat stable now. Will keep sending a prayer for continued improvement.


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Thanks for the update. The news is sounding better. True, only a little; but it's going to be as long, hard road to recovery. It sure appears that she's on the right course.

Avoid the shoals, Connie!

Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
Thanks for the update..and it's about an 1/8th of a cup type post...I will pray hard as I *KNOW* where this is going...:(..sigh..hugs to Connie.....Joanne

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Thank you for the updates you keep providing us about Connie. They are much appreciated.

Still praying that Connie improves day by day.