Conniecat Update - well, sort of


Forever Remembered
I heard from Scrapbook Lady this morning.

She spoke to Connie. She is doing the same. They are starting her on physical therapy and medical therapy.

No further decision yet about Simon - Connie may have a home for him.


1st Officer - Navigation
Sorry to hear that Connie has had no improvement. It's good that Simon may be able to stay nearby. Thanks for the update Mary Ann.


Staff Captain
Thanks for the update such as it was! Perhaps the physio will at least brighten her days.



Forever Remembered
I can understand how hard a decision it will be to let go of Simon (especially) if Connie must do that. I do have two very qualified people who will take him if Connie must go that route.

But it would be such a blessing if Connie were to recover enough to be able to keep her beloved kitties.


1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
Thanks for the update. Let's hope the new therapy will help her get back home to her beloved three furbabies.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Thank Mary Ann for the report.

Hope Connie will get a little better to be able to keep Simon.


Environmental Compliance Officer
:thankyou: Mary Ann

The update is greatly appreciated. Let's keep those prayers going.



Staff Captain
First thing I look for when I come to C @'es is an update on Connie. This is so sad, but MAYBE and HOPEFULLY she will be able to go home to her beloved Simon. I will keep GOOD THOUGHTS. :doubleup:


Safety Officer
Thanks so much for the update Mary Ann. I'm still praying that Connie will recover enough to go home and be with all her beautiful furbabies!


Staff Captain
Glad to get some news on Conniecat and am thrilled to read that she is getting medical and physical therapy. :smile:


Staff Captain
Thank you for the update. I hope she continues to improve and is able to return home. I miss her here.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Thanks Mary Ann and Scrapbook Lady. Sure wish the news was for improvement for Connie but glad she doesn't seem any worse...and I can understand her wanting to wait about the boys. I know she must miss them so. Prayers continue for Connie.


Staff Captain
Thanks Mary Ann. I have been wondering. I have been hoping that "no news is good news" but wondering just the same. Continued prayers for her.


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Not the news we wanted to hear on our return, but relieved that Connie is still with us and glad that the other guys are being taken care of. Praying that her recovery progresses and she can get back to her life. We sure do miss her here ...