Reasons for long, long delays at Port of Galveston.
1Port is undersized for the Conqest.
2 U.S Customs office is understaffed and to be honest they have a don't care attiude(first hand experience).
3 For some reason U.S Customs yet unexplained require the entire crew to get off the ship before the the passengers which is silly at best.
4 From speaking to the locals they told me Carnival holds Chinese fire drills every time they arrive into port since coming to Galveston. Royal Cribb docks the same time ,different terminal and they can be completely unloaded in 2-3 hrs tops from what I was told and I did inquire.
5. Getting your bags after debarking the ship is a cluster, period!! They do not place them in the marked areas, they just dump them in long lines and you sort and fetch.
6 Traffic is horrible, backs up for blocks, took us 2 hrs to haul ourselves and bags to the car 2 blocks away.
7 Loading is crazy, stood in line for 4 hrs to get boarded, finally got on board at 5:30pm after arriving at about 1:30 pm.
8 They canceled Mexico and the way they told us was they passed out a letter and told the person they gave it to pass it down the line that we would not be going and please accept a $25 credit per person to your ship board account. I spoke to the "Helpdesk" and they had the attuide hey be glad you are even going to get to stop anywhere!!! I explained nicely to her I was paying for 3 stops and she just couldn't understand that concept!! She did give me the number to the Carnvial's Corp office to call so I did standing right there and got a answering machine telling me they were closed. So i called the folks I made the reservation thur and they told me to contact the Purser's office on the ship which I did, they told me 3 times we WOULD be going to a new port, guess what, later that evening they announced no new port and enjoy hanging at sea a extra day but they had worked very hard and gotten 2 hr extra in Grand Cayman for us, LOL. Arrived in Grand Cayman and found out from our Privite Dive guide that the Grand Cayman Port offered Canvial a whole extra day in port and they turned it down.
9 Lastly the Cruise director kept coming on the intercom during debarking saying he didn't know why they were dragging there feet in getting started but just be patient. I know a number of people missed flights due to this.
Lastly we drove down and I called at 4 am to verify everything was still on, they assured us it was, come to find out they had 450 travel agents on board,I spoke to a number of them and they told me they knew 3 days earlier we were not going to Mexico or making a differnet port becasue the Carnival told them via call and email. A couple of agents told me they generally do not tell the passengers till they arrive for fear they may cancel.
Another point I got different stories from the Purser's office and other dept's on the ship concerning where we were going, if we were going etc......the prior cruise made a new port and for some reason I have not been able to determine we couldn't.
WIll be traveling RC from now on.......