We will be there. Party of six, ages 33-54. Category 8A, Upper Deck. We are all from Brandon, Mississippi. This is the first cruise for 3 of us. Our neighbors who are going have been twice and talked us into this. We haven't made any plans yet as far as tours but are thinking about Jimmy Buffett's at Montego Bay. Think they have a "Splish and Splash" tour that goes there. Will have to check into to all this more. My hubby and I are 54 but, hey, you are as young as you feel, right? Does anyone know if they will have a costume party on Halloween? We are going down to Nawlins' this weekend on a getaway and are going to check out the ship on Sunday. Wish I could help "Nanatravel" find a hotel. It's going to be harder with a Saints game going on. They have one this coming weekend too but we have a place to stay. Let's all hope for a carefree cruise with no hurricanes to deal with. UGH! Hey, we can have a hurricane party if necessary. Will meet 'ya onboard.