Ah well, thanks for the input Turkeyman

We are driving down from St. Louis so if worse comes to worse, we'll just hit a Hotel a little farther away from the docks and drive. It's like 10 bucks a day for Carnival Parking isn't it? I figure if I'd have to pay 150 or so to be within walking distance to the ship, I might as well pay 70 or 80and be 10 miles away and drive, and park there
Heh, if you see a Ford ZX2 done all up in Spiderman graphics and stuff, that's us

And yes, you'll be able to tell me apart from the other grown men on our cruise by my Spiderman shirts on occasion

Just because I'm 26 doesn't mean I can't have a childhood hero
Okay, I'm a geek at times.. but a fun one!