Cozumel Beach Day??



My Husband & I will be traveling with Explorer of The Seas, our first time cruising, and we decided to spend a relaxing day at the beach in Cozumel. Any suggestions as to wether we should book with the ship or should we just head out on our own. We don't have any children and would prefer a "quiet" type of beach rather than a "family" type of beach. Any info. would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, "The Newbies"


you can do either. Most of the beaches will have ample taxis to get you back to the ship. Just make sure you allow enough time. You have to be back on board at least 30 minutes prior to sailing.

I just looked real quick at what RCI offers. Some of the excursions offer food and drink. That is something to take into consideration too.

Some of them you are required to pay for the taxi there and back. (not sure why I would book that one with the ship, unless food and drink are included)

Some of them might take you there, but you are on your own to get back to the ship.

Chankanaab Park is a nice beach, but they charge an enterence fee. Here is a websight that offers a discount coupon.

A rule of thumb is, if you book a tour with the ship and run into troubles, ie flat tire, traffic jam, etc, the ship will wait for you if the tour is running late.

If you venture out on your own, and run into troubles, the ship will not wait for you.


:) Thanks for the info Suer. I am finding the Cruise Addicts Forums very helpful. I can't wait to start our vacation!! =docdance


I'd take the taxi to a beach club. We like Paradise Beach. The food is very good and fairly priced. Taxi's are plentiful. No need to take a cruiseline excursion.