Crown & Anchor magazine



I have not gotten a C&A magazine with coupons in quite awhile. Is that a thing of the past?


According to the magazine that just came out it states that issue ( Issue 1 2006) was the last one that will be sent, future issues can be viewed online at

"As we continue to offer you more online, future C & A Society communications will go to the Web, including some of your favorite C & A magazine content."

Seems they are taking the entire magazine to the internet now, including the coupons.


Rose check out the inside cover, the letter from the Senior Vice President of Marketing. If I hadn't read it, I would never have known.


I hate that they are discontinuing mailing the magazine as I love to receive it in my mailbox. I doubt if I ever go on-line to read it. I may if I'm looking for a cruise, but otherwise, no, I probably won't. I don't really go to sites and read a lot of articles. I don't have time to do that...magazines are for your down time when you can sit and flip the pages, look at the pretty pictures and dream and get kick started into thinking about a cruise.

For some, having that piece of Advertising Material in ones hand, (in this case the C&A magazine) is the best way to spur new purchases. I know this is a cost reduction for RCI but I wish they had found the cost reduction somewhere else. JMHO.

Have a great day!!


We got ours and we're using the Radiance coupon for our Oct. 28 th Sailing!


that is a good point about RCI reducing costs, to tell you the truth from a marketing perspective it is smart- they probably figure that the C&A members will book with them since they are in the program, but what RCI should really do if they want members to get the effect of the magazine without mailing it they should just email it, that way it wont cost them anything and members are still going to get notified about new issues without haveing to go looking for them


Read the letter again and you will see that they will still mail out the magazine but only twice a year instead of four times. They will send savings certificates by mail on a quarterly basis beginning in April and a quarterly newsletter by email . The savings certificates will be updated monthly online. If RCI doesn't already have your email address, visit their website.


According to the letter in the front of my C & A magazine it states: Because this is the last printed issue, make sure we have your current e-mail address so we can keep in touch by sending the latest news-including our quarterly e-Newsletter with inside information, special offers, and more, right to your inbox instead of your mailbox. The savings certificates will be by email, not mail. I called the C & A desk to update my cruises that were missing from my profile and they said there will be no more mailings, just emails.

The sign up for the quarterly e-newsletter that is in the middle of the magazine states that the new C & A Society section of the website will soon have everything from Saving Certificates (starting in April) to the latest cruise planning tools. They will send updates every month letting us know what's new and what they have added. So you can either fill in the card or sign up for the updates online.


Ali in the Crown and Anchor section you can also see how many cruises you have (if it's working). Sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not. I checked mine since I'm so close to a new status.


Thanks Rose that's where I saw that 3 of my cruises were missing. Luckily I had the SeaPass cards on the refrigerator as magnets and could give them the sailing dates and the folio numbers. I am now officially a Diamond Plus :lol until they do their next upgrade and "lose" some other sailings.


littlebit Wrote:
> We got ours and we're using the Radiance coupon
> for our Oct. 28 th Sailing!

Hey little....we're on this cruise too.......havent gotten my mag much of a coupon is it?


Our magazine(Issue 1 2006) says "Expect to receive an all-new edition by mail, delivered twice a year, beginning in July. If you can't join us online, you'll still receive quarterly savings certificates by mail starting this April" It also mentions that the savings certificates will be updated monthly online and a quarterly e-Newsletter will be sent to those whose email addresses are on file with them.
Can't explain the different language in your C&A unless the information is different for Diamond and Diamond Plus members than for those who have yet to reach those levels of C&A membership.