Crown Princess Cabin, Emerald Deck, WAY fore



I'm wondering if any of you have cruised on a Princess grand class ship and ended up with an outside, Emerald deck cabin, just up the stairs from the main Promenade deck. We're sailing on the Crown Princess 11/16 (VERY excited about this one!) but we booked an outside guarantee and got assigned to this cabin E118.. Our travel agent says she's never had anyone stay in one of these, so couldn't tell me what to expect. It's WAY fore, and looks like it's above the stage in the main theater. Also, the window faces the Upper Promenade. I'm wondering if it's noisy, if there's a lot of people walking by, and so on. I tried to upgrade, but was told the "whole ship is wait-listed."



Emerald deck should be just fine. Susan and I were on Emerald Deck on Grand Princess (E302) and never had a noise issue even though we were right by the lifts. The promenade shouldn't be a problem for you. The the cabin above the theatre wouldn't be my first choice but we had a cabin directly above the Walt Disney Theatre on Disney Wonder and it was no bother to us because we weren't trying to sleep when shows were going on, we were at the shows. By the time we were ready for bed there was no activity in the theatre so it was actually very quiet.

=welcome to Cruise @ddicts and =funsign on your cruise =sailor


Thanks for your input....that makes me feel better...we're not too likely to be trying to sleep when the shows are going on, either, now that you mention it!!!


Been there. Way foreward on Emerald deck on the Crown. You will here the music from the theater. But you
probably won't be going to sleep until after the second show anyway. So...No problem!


Thank you all for your input on my "issue." I feel better about the cabin now! Was hoping for an upgrade, but Princess tells me I can't even buy one....that the whole ship is "wait-listed."

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