Cruisers on Carnival Sensation -- request for help

Hi all --

For any of those embarking on the Sensation in the next little while (or who have recently returned)....I kindly appeal for your help: if you happen to get/have any pics of the waiters in the casino/mirage bar, if you could post or send them onto me?

Long story short, I'm on a quest for a surprise for a friend of mine ... who had a bit of a crush on one of the waiters ... who's name, I think, is Made, from Indonesia ...

Many thanks in advance & happy new year all...



3rd Officer
I know you and your friend had a wonderful time on the cruise but my advise is to forget that waiter MADE who could be married or wanting to leave his country. Many gals have fallen in love with the ship's staff and then find out it would not work out.

You say you just want a photo of him just for fun. I think it is a foolish plan but maybe someone here will take a photo of him to help you out.

On my last cruise.... a friend of mine had a crush on a waiter but we knew nothing could come of it. Yes, a lot of the guys are cute but unavailable according to the cruise ship rules.


3rd Officer
I do not have one of Made, from Indonesia, but I have some Made in China