Dawn Princess



Your carry on bags will be scanned and I have seen liquor confiscated from them, especially larger ones.


It is so it will not break and make your clothes reek of alcohol. I suggest wrapping the bottle in bubble wrap and then put it inside a LARGE (2 or 3 gallon ziploc type of bag)....you can then wrap it in a piece of clothing (but I do skip that part of it.)

I have never heard of anyone on Princess who has liquor in their CHECKED luggage confiscated. Just be sure to take enough with you on embarkation as they will not let you buy on board and take to the stateroom until the last day of the cruise....and depending on what ports you go to, they MAY not let you bring any liquor on board without confiscating it and delivering it to you the last night of the cruise.


You can do this. Next time you sail go to a liquor store buy yourself a bottle of dark rum and a 24oz bottle of Coke. Drink the Coke and refill the soda bottle with Rum. A soda bottle in your ship carryon will not be bothered. Of course if you like silver Rum you use a water bottle.


We were just on the Dawn Princess last month. Dear Hubby ordered a bottle of Beefeaters from Room Service. It was delivered to and consumed in the cabin. Though a little more than on land, the price was still reasonable enough.