Did I break something?



Just for fun I placed a short message on the "roll call" thread with the date of my cruise and the ship. Other similar posts have drawn hundreds of responses, yet I can't get a one.
I'm the one who was worried that a stranger was going to latch onto us and we would have unwanted company for seven days. Be careful what you wish for. Now I can't get one response from 3000 guests acknowledging they will be onboard that week.Is it my name? Are all cruisers prosecutors?
lol. One week left. Will get the luggage out today but a week ahead seems a bit too early.


I'm sure you didn't break anything! :) Your ship is probably full to the brim, jujst none of the other passengers post here. :grin


Haven't heard from you in a while. How are you? My family real anxious. Thank goodness I have an interesting trial next week to keep my mind off next Sat. Just put the docs in my carry-on. Hope Cozamel is OK. Have promised a lot of shirts and silver to people. Thanks for your help. Paul.


I know how you feel. I posted a question here a few weeks ago, and didn’t get a single response. It seems activity has dropped way off on these boards. Is it the time of the year, or what?


OMG, PD....it's getting so close, isn't it!!!! I'll bet you and your family are just sooooo excited!!! I love taking people on their first cruise...it's just so cool seeing their faces as they take that first step on the ship, or as they open the menu that first night, or as they experience their first sunset/sunrise at sea. You're in for a bunch of amazing experiences!!!

Angelfan, if you don't get a response here on te Carnival board, mosey on over to the Community Board and post your question. There's a lot more activity over there! :)