Digital Photography onboard??



Digital photography QUESTION: Any info as regards 'downloading' .. E-mailing.. and/or
use of the ship's computers for DIGITAL PHOTOS work would be appreciated. STAR PRINCESS Jan 17 Sails from SYDNEY.. What's the 'scoop'????????? Thanks, TOM


HI Tom, One thing I do know about Princess is they have "Digital Photography" services onboard. So you can take your memory card and drop it off, they can then create a photo CD for you to bring home or print them out for you. This may take a day so you might want to have a spare memory card also.

I know all of the newer (Grand Class and Newer) have these services.

You will not yet find a computer you can hook up your USB cable to and work on, but you will find where you can create a photo CD or get prints.

One thing I did while I was in Alaska is create a photo CD. They hold 700mb's or so. So that will give you an idea. I had a 500mb memory card and it worked out well and only cost a few dollars and was done in about an hour. The shipboard price was very afordable also.. so in my mind this gives you time to edit and select photo when you home and then get them printed.



Thanks John, Yes I 'git it'..........Have a big enough memory card so as to get a full CD..and a spare til it's back to you. I see a real money maker for a cruise line offering Internet/E-mail/Print services onboard


It is a great service they offer
However I know of 2 different people that had problems
Please check you photo cd when you pick it up
One person on this list was lucky enough to do that and found he didnt have the right photos.
A friend I work with lost over 200 mb of pictures cause he didnt check till he got home
He knows it was his fault and is not blaming anybody
Use the service just be sure to check the cd when you pick it up is all