disturbing news from new dr


Staff Captain
Had visit with new spine dr today. First thing he said was that it isn't very often that they see a patient with so many serious medical issues & on top of that his spine looks really really weird. After an hr+ exam he said he was very concerned with Mike's extreme muscle weakness. Wanted to know why he walks the way he does. I said that is why we 1st went to an ortho dr yrs ago because we thought it was bad knees & from there it went to a look at the spine & all the tests for cancer until he finally developed lymphoma & nobody has ever questioned his walk since.

Dr says his difficulty with walking, great difficulty keeping his balance, & the muscle weakness especially in his legs & some in his arms has nothing to do with the deterioration in the spine. Dr says he needs to be tested for muscle diseases in the muscular dystrophy family. Says "if" it is 1 of these diseases that there is no cure but he would begin a much more aggressive physical therapy program than what he is on now.

Literally just walked in the door from Iowa City when the neurology depart called to schedule tests. First test is set for April 7th so until then we just sit & wait & wonder if we have a new obstacle to overcome. Certainly wasn't the kind of day we expected.


Staff Captain
What a shocker! But with a name to it maybe now he can get the correct therapies. But makes you wonder how all the tests that he has had will affect him. I hope that they can give you a definite answer soon. Take care.



Staff Captain
I know you two are shocked with this new direction of testing, new thought process from a new doctor, but our fingers are crossed that come April 7th...all of the test show negative for any muscular diseases. (((HUGS)))


Forever Remembered
Oh, my dear. Does it ever stop. Please know that more prayers are headed your way. Of course, I'll be anxious to hear any news.

God bless you both. Lots of hugs from here.

Mary Ann


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Oh Kathy, I am so sorry that Mike is being hit with something like this yet again. Please keep us updated, you are in our prayers.


Staff Captain
Oh, Kathy, I am so sorry to hear this! On the other hand, if the new tests point to something specific, it might be a relief to find something that can actually be improved. I really wish you and Mike were not having to deal with all these issues, and I know how tired of tests he must be. I'm sending hugs and prayers for both of you.


Safety Officer
I am most definitely sending prayers to Mike and to you, and my prayers for the two of you will continue.


Staff Captain
Kathy, I am also sorry to hear this, but as Jacquie said, you never know...maybe this is a window that is being opened as God closes a door. Might just be something they find that they can correct easily to give Mike a bit of relief. I am sure the waiting is one of the hardest parts, so may you have sunny days until then. HUGS


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Oh Kathy
I'am so sorry to read this. But like others say maybe they can find something that will improve the quality of Mikes life & make it easier for him to get around.
Prayers & good thoughts are on the way to the both of you.


Staff Captain
Kathy - Although it doesn't seem like it - it is always good to know the enemy by name. I am hoping that they can finally definitively say what it is so you can have a real plan for treatment. I also hope that whatever happens that it brings Mike some peace and ease his discomfort, improving his quality of life.

I am sending you a big hug while you sit and wait.



1st Officer - Navigation
What a roller coaster ride the two of you have been on. Identifying this could mean a positive change in the quality of life for Mike. I will keep both of you in my thoughts.


Trivia Specialist
Kathy...I am so sorry that I am here so late to read this. Wishing you peace as you wait to continue Mike's next "round" and praying that the results of the upcoming tests will put you fully on the road to Mike feeling better. Hugs to you both!


Staff Captain
So sorry you are having to go thru this. Prayers on the way.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist

so sorry to hear about your latest problems for your dh

prayers for both of you

H2O babe

2nd Officer
Kathy - I'm sure not the news you were expecting or ready for. I will keep you and Mike and family in my thoughts and prayers. May you both find the strength you need to tackle this next obstacle.
