Divers goin' on the Sun Princess Nov. 12, '04 - anybody else...?



Cruisin' to the southern islands in mid-November...on the Sun Princess...

St. Vincent, Grenada, Martinique, St. Lucia and St. Thomas...

If you've already considered this itinerary, which islands are y'all gonna try(?)


any sites/dive operators you recommend.??? We've have better luck booking separately from the cruise ship...but we've never hooked up on a Princess cruise before
***we understand that Dive St. Vincent will take groups of 6 divers (we're 2 of them) so we could get away from the maddening crowds...anybody else want to dive the Grenadines area...??? supposed to be B E A U T I F U L !!!

THANKS much! -

Oh yeah - we're from Colorado...will be swiggin' some Silver Bullet's, rum punch and tequila sunrises between dives :-} - would love some company

Post Edited (06-24-04 11:01)