do cc cabins on sky deck have view excluded?



This is my first post so if I am posting in the wrong area , please advise.

I just booked a concierge cabin on Infinity, on the sky deck, room 9072 for a cruise to alaska for our 25th anniversary. In looking at pictures of the ship, the sky deck is immediately under the resort deck. The the resort deck is much wider then the sky deck, and thus protrudes many feet out over the balcony of the sky deck, almost like a large protruding overhanging roof. The resort deck is supported by support beams that strut out at an upward angle, but these support beams start upward from just below the sky deck, . to picture this, think of how a window awning is supported over a window... it has support bars angled out from the house wall at the bottom of the window and protrudes outward to the top far reaches of the awning so the awning stays up and out.

My question is: Do these supporting tubes or beams come into view when taking pictures from the balcony? I am a non professional photography buff and love to take hundreds of digital pictures, hoping to get the "right one". I know a picture straight off the balcony is no problem but if one takes a picture at a 60 degree angle or so to the left or right of the balcony, will there be a support beam in part of my pictures? Sorry to be so long in description, but this is very vital importance and I hope to know if I should change to a lower level on the ship. Thanks in advance for all who answer!!
thanks oldmanbob (not really old but... well Ok... I am50 something!)


My avatar was taken from sky deck CC you can see, yes indeed the casual dining area and pool area above DO indeed protrude out. And YES, it will show up in any side shots or full landscapes. Next week I will be in cabin 9092...and will have the same "view".

However, I did not find this was a problem with taking spectacular photos. If there is something you really want a full landscape of, simply go up one small flight of steps to the outside deck...there you will have a full landscape to shoot from.

If you choose to go down decks, be careful not to be immediately above the life rafts...they also can seriously interfere with your photo ops from balcony.

ps - you must be an architect...for someone who hasn't been in the cabin, you described the set up perfectly.

Help me out here guys, but I believe the only completely "safe" choice for full landscape would be midship - Deck 7 or 8.


We've been pleased with our CCs on Deck 8. We avoid Deck 9 as we are not sure about the effect of the overhang. Deck 7 CCs are aft of the aft elevators, I believe, but they have a clear view to the side. Aft CCs; that is, those on the stern, have almost 180 degree unobstructed views to the stern. These are popular rooms. There are four CCs on Deck 6 that are a bit different and have unobstructed views. They are popular with some guests, I have looked at them. They would not be my choice. We'll stick with Deck 8.


I also like the regular verandas on the Penthouse deck, cabins 6110 or 6112, because I can trot up and down quickly down to all the fun at night without waiting for elevators. Plus they are next to the larger suites, so you tend you get better/more experienced stewards.

But I also like Sky Deck for the height. I only book CC class when they are close in price to regular mid ship veranda. I don't think they are worth $500+ more. Same cabin (they claim 20 more square feet, but I swear they are identical). CC just has a few niceities I could live without. I got my last two CC cabins same price as regular veranda, so I booked them. I must admit though, I am addicted to the Body Pillow and the Isotonic Pillows on the pillow menu. The canapes - you can keep 'em.


Thnaks for the input... you bring some very good food for thought. We have decided to try and move to deck 8 or 7, but avoiding deck 6 as my wife really wants the cc class there and the price difference is from only 50 to 100 or less per person additional for cc on this 11 night cruise.

Much research also brought to consideration the possible noise of the deck chairs around the pool above our current cabin may make scraping noises. I will pass on the suite as I do not want to be next to a family of 6 who have kids that are unsupervised making a racket in the room or up and don the hallway. This has happenned to many times over the years in various timeshares I have used, and I hope to have pleasant neighbors on the cruise instead of a roudy family.

Now my only decision is to either wait for a room on deck 8 or 7 that is still on the starboard side or to simply grab the room currently available on deck 8 midship that is on the port side. The cruise goes from San Fran north to Juneau and hubbard glacier then returns sounthbound to Vancouver. So I know either side is OK, but the map on celbrity website seems toshow the southbound portion further away from land as well as I think, emphasis on think, that the starboard side in more often the side that in towrds the land when in most ports and we like to be people watchers and would enjoy the hustle and bustle of this still on land if we returned to the ship early from a visit to one of the ports.

Again, thanks for the responses... anyone esle have any thing to add?? all info is most appreciated.

wishing clear skys and smooth waters to all,



Hi Bob,

Frist of all, rest at ease. You will NOT find rowdy families on Celebrity lines. Ever. Now rowdy ADULTS...(well, as long as I'm not on board, you won't find them either) :lol The few children that MAY be on board are invisible and well supervised by staff. There is no "scraping" of chairs to be heard. The floors are too thick. You may however, on sky deck, hear the occasional thump thump of a jogger or two. Nothing to disturb you unless you like to sleep until noon.

You are wise to check the map (as do I) for visibility. I happen to be a sunrise freak (as my avatar can attest) so I make a mental note to get a wake up call when my cabin in on the proper side. But as you point out, either side, you will enjoy - one leg or the other. I tend to book port side, as it usually is the side they dock on. That way I can stay on my veranda and check out the port. Alot of ports I don't bother to disembark. Seen most of them before.

You don't say what month you are traveling, but again, unless you travel on Easter break time, you have little or no chance of seeing children. And Celebrity is NOT Carnival Lines...they keep the little buggers well occupied and out of your way.

You also don't mention whether you've cruised other lines, but speaking for myself, it only took one Celebrity cruise and I was sold for life. And I've been cruising for 30 years. You'll love it!!


thanks appreciate the input I had read a few opther posts here and on other cruise forums where the scraping of chairs was mentioned a few tomes. Another poster stated how they had a suite next to a famile and that teh childeren were yelling and playing all the time interpouting their quite time in the cabin and on the balcony. I had the same thing last year in a key wesy timeshare. so I tend to be over cautious. The cruise is in April of this year for one of the first cruises to alsake this year so hoefully the crew is rewady to goa nd the ports are ready for the start of the annual influx. This is opnly my second cruise as our first was 25 years ago on the Costa Amerikanis which has since made its way to the scrapyard. I am sure things have changed dramatically and we will be pleasantly suprised at the leats. I do like you point that the ship docks on the port side in most ports as I thought it was always starboards for the majority of the time. but that is only observational of the many ships in port in Tampa where I liver and Key west where we vacationed frequently.

As we near the age oif kids out of the house and college costs dimish, we haope to be able to cruise annualy if not more frequently. We love to visit other areas and enjoy the local culture and people.

to clear skys and smooth sailing,



Our Deck 8 CCs have always been on port side. On three Alaskan cruises, port side has been fine for us. In fact, we feel that we've usually had the "best" views. I imagine that those who booked on the starboard side felt the same way. At Hubbard Glacier, if you are viewing the scene from your balcony, in our experiences the Captain has slowly turned the ship through 360 degrees so that everyone with a balcony had a good opportunity to view the Glacier from their room. Specifically, what CCs are you considering? Perhaps we could comment on specific cabins. Two of our three Alaskan cruises have been on Infinity.


We are currently booked in cabin 9072, just forward of mid ship, starboard side.

It is nice to know that you, as well as others have relayed that the port side is also been very nice. I think sometimes I over analyze things for example, I have been debating the benefit of port side mainly on the Hubbard Glacier... when the ship first comes upon the Hubbard, I feel that the entire ship will be excited, and many will flock to the upper balconies for the excitement and view... while I, remain in the port side cabin (if I move the cabin to port) and enjoy the view from my balcony. Then when the ship ahs turned around and is starting to cruise away from the glacier, the excitement will have died down and we can then go topside to view the glacier on the starboard side, but perhaps the crown will not be as prevalent as many will have already been topside when the ship first came upon the glacier on the way in...

Sorry, but I am an analyst by nature, and it is hard not to dissect things so much and yes, major kudos to my wife for putting up with my analytic idiosyncrasies for the last 25 years.

One last question.. in your 3 cruises to Alaska have you found also that when visiting a port, that the side that usually faces the dock is the port side?

Again thanks for your input.
to clear skys and smooth waters,




I can relate to being anal...I'm the same way. I want everything PERFECT. The AMERIKANIS?? Dear Lord..that brings back memories.
She was a bucket!
You will adore Celebrity, from one anal person to will find nothing to criticize. I've only done Alaska once and found starboard was the "port side" for most stops. Actually, there are live doc cams that will show you the ship positioned in port.

BearandDollie can give me better info on Alaska than can I.

In my humble opinion, 9072 is a good cabin to have. And even though April is prime spring break, I don't think most people take children on the Alaska trips....

BearandDollie - ever see a lot of kids on Alaska runs?

I am leaving a week from Monday on Constellation for an 11 day Panama and South America run and CANNOT WAIT.=docdance..only been 3 months since I was on Infinity for 16 day San Fran to Ft. Lauderdale and 8 months since I did a two week Hawaiian Circle Cruise on Infinity. I've been on the Millenium 3 times (all Carribean)...yet to sail Summit.


Our two trips to Ak. on Infinity Starboard side to dock in Ketchikan and Juneau both times.
BTW Hal same.


In our experience, the ship stays at the Hubbard for about 2 hours. There is plenty of time for viewing, in my opinion. I think that being analytical is a plus. Gathering and acting on good information generally leads to making good arrangements. Once aboard, you can learn from experience and make adjustments accordingly. As I'm sure you realize, you can gather good information from past passengers, but one aspect or another of your cruise might be different than what you might visualize as you sit in your living room.

As for docking, we were happy on the port side. We had the town views when the ship was docked at both Juneau and Ketchikan. Juneau views were especially wothwhile. I'm not sure that which side will have those views is predictable. I would think that it depends upon the berth assignment and, in some cases, the direction of the next port. At a tender port, when the ship is anchored, it tends to swing with the currents and tides in which case one gets variety of views.

Two of our Alaskan cruises were in September. The third was in May. Thus, all three took place either before school recessed for the summer or after summer vacation. There were very few children on these cruises. Celebrity has an activities staff and program devoted to the children.