Do You Work and Live To Cruise??????



I took one Carnival cruise and now I can't stop the countdown, 97 days to the next one 274 till the one after that. Is this normal, seems like all I think about is the next cruise almost like a reason to work and live. Do I need help??? How do I stop the madness????


It always seems like I'm planning and saving for my next cruise. It's kind of funny....

My mom and I go on at least one trip together per year...usually a cruise . This year, we weren't able to get on a trip, but we have a cruise planned for February with my aunt and cousin. I told her since we didn't get on one this year, we need to take two next year. I assumed she'd want to go on a cruise and I started looking at Bermuda and Canada. Then, we decided to not take a cruise and do a land trip instead. . We were stumped!!! We finally decided on New York, but were lauging because there is so much to plan with a land cruise that you don't have to worry about when you plan a cruise!!


Yeah, I feel your pain. If my wife would give me the go, I would book one right now. I find I am always reading through this board, reading reviews, looking up cruise pics on webshots, and staying up on every cruise deal posted on the interenet, I guess that's why we are called Cruise Addicts. :)


oh gosh, Everyone here is crazy about crusing! Once you go on one you're hooked! Just like you, all i do is daydream about crusing....when i can't get out of bed in the morning, i tell myself that i have to go to work so that i can pay for my next cruise. Lets face it, theres no help for us! haha. But I don't want help, I enjoy being addicted to cruises!

177 more days until Miracle-6/4/06

Destiny 6/05
Fantasy 1/05
Sensation 6/04


We all need to have something to look forward to. For those of us who frequently post on this board, that something is the next cruise. My addiction requires at least two 7 day cruises each year. Some years I have managed to work in a 4 or 5 day cruise in addition. I get an incredible high the moment that I walk on board a cruise ship, so no, you aren't abnormal, just addicted like the rest of us.



We have cruised 4 years in a row....and it was heaven :) We are taking one year off for health reasons, but I don't think I can watch March come and go without at least BOOKING one that week!!

Don B

Here's how it works for us:

1) You should ALWAYS have at least 1 cruise booked. This is called the PRIMARY cruise. The PRIMARY cruise should be at lease 7 days, and it helps if you book well in advance, so as to reap the maximum anticipation value possible.
2) In the meantime, you should look all over the internet, advertisements, brochures, postings, mail, etc. to find an additional cruise that is such a tremendous bargain, you can not pass it up. This is referred to as the FILLER cruise. The FILLER cruise can be shorter in duration, and serves the purpose of keeping the anticipation at a peak, while not eclipsing the primary cruise.

Yeah, I'm hooked!


Oh good. . . I'm not alone! Just as soon as we decided that we are taking a cruise, I research and research and plan and research. I'm online everyday trying to find something new about cruising.

We're booking our next cruise just as soon as other family members can confirm dates. I don't like waiting! LOL I've already started my list of things to pack and buy! Did I mention we're not sailing for another 5 months? hee hee

I'm hooked.


Yes, It's all I think about. I've only been on short cruises because of time but I'm planning on some major ones very soon. I read the reviews, and look at pictures from other peoples cruises. When I think of vacation now I only want to cruise.


We did our first two years agoand did two last year. Next year SIL & I have one short one planned and the family has an 8 day booked. What I haven't told anyone (they'll think I'm nuts) is I've alreay booked '07. I'm addicted!!!!


YES! Our friends and family think we are crazy, but I think they are just jealous! We love to cruise and don't care what anybody thinks. If this is my only vice, then count me bad!


1997 was a very hectic year for us. My wife's mother passed away on Thanksgiving day. Her father came to live with us for the winter. Our oldest one also came back home for the year to save a few bucks. Our 'pregnant' daughter and her boyfriend were also with us......needless to say, it was a very stressful period for us. SO.....i talked to people whom had cruised before.....i wanted to do something really nice for her after all the crap she had to deal with. Christmas day, there was her gift, a 7 day western for April of 98.....i hit a scratch ticket for $400, so i put that in a card for her to get whatever clothes etal for the trip.

We really got pumped for this.....doing the shopping, the tanning....all cruise related stuff....counting the days........

then the big day arrives where we fly down,......flew right over the ship.....left a c-c-cold 30 and got off a plane to 85....took a cab over from FLL....10 minutes....30 minutes later, we're onboard....we head up topside to check things out......she orders a saltydog....with about 1-2 hours until we sail and still tied to the pier, she, now 'feeling real good' , turns to me and says....."we have to do this again"....and every April, we're off to catch a ship...

We had the week of our lives.....Cozumel, Grand Cayman....Jamaica....sea time.....on the go....taking everything in....the last day, we went to the promanade deck, wooden chaise chairs n all.....she out ot nowhere breaks into thinging i mucked up somewhere, but the week finally caught up with her.....she was overwhelmed with joy about the week she just had.....

We usually wait about a month after we get back to start looking for the next one......i go online, call other agents.....get booked early so we can get exactly what we want.....then the flights as soon as they pop....usually June....

best thing 'we've' ever done for ourselve's.....

every April week a year we claim for us and only us........

makes the cold and shoveling snow much easier, knowing that soon we'll be back "out there"


We too are planning our 4th cruise for October 2006 (Praying that we are not in the middle of a hurricane). Can't book it until next month until family has also confirmed their dates and its driving me crazy because I want to pick up the phone and book now. We are already planning on a cruise shopping trip. Does anyone else do this? And how about joining the gym to shed a few extra pounds for the cruise just to get on the ship and gain it all back again! Makes a lot of sense :)


Yes Yes and Yes!! 88 days and counting until we board the Conquest with 12 our family and friends, we can't wait, we even know what we are going to wear what formal nights, I work 40 hours a week raise two teenage boys and volunteer for everything, I think that deserves a cruise. Glad to know I'm not alone with my obsession.


lets just say the same bug bit me!!!!!
my mom and i sailed the carnival inspiration last march and then booked one for this january with the rest of the family! BUT we could NOT wait so we went on one in october!
i have even thought of how i can get a job as a travel agent so i can cruise for less!!!!!!!!!!!


wonbyone74 Wrote:
> i have even thought of how i can get a job as a
> travel agent so i can cruise for less!!!!!!!!!!!

I have thought this too, I figured Carnival would never let me be a captain so I may have to settle to be a travel agent one day! :)


A day does not go by that my wife and I aren't discussing our next cruise. I check the internet everyday for info. We are constantly recruiting friends to cruise with us. Just can't get enough.


You guys will find this strange. Today I went to see my MD because of chest pain. He said it's anxiety and asked if I was anxious about something. I was ashamed to tell him that I have a Cruise on Feb. 12, 2006, (looking foward to it) among other things. He recommended to calm down then asked how much was the cruise and where I'm sailing from.
I'm calmer now!


69 Days and counting, I have even opened a separate account just for cruises with a separate debit card to use on the cruise....