Dolphin "Encounter" in Cozumel



There are several "swim with the dolphins" options ( We wanted to do the "Dolphin Encounter" because we will be traveling with an 8 yr. old and a 16 mo. old (this is the only one the 16 mo. old can participate in with us and there's no cost for her). Has anyone done this particular program? Is it worth the money verses waiting until she's older for a better one?

Also, our ship is in port from 9-5pm. The program starts at 2:30pm (last about 45 mins.). How close is Chankanaab Park to the pier? How much are the taxis? Should I be worried about not getting back in time?



We just completed the Royal Dolphin Swim - the big one. Our time was 3:30 and we weren't finished until nearly 5:00. But it was GREAT. It does start getting cool by then, too we found. Its only about a 15 minute taxi ride to/from the dock. (we were at the newest dock where Carlos and Charlies/Senior Frogs is - which is farther from Chankenaab than the old dock) You'll love it!! I don't know how you'll do the baby, though, unless there are two adults who'll take turns with her, there are times you get in the water with the dolphins. My eight year old loved it, but was a little scared at first. My 13 year old even showed delight!! My husband and other daughter stood on the dock immediately above our heads and watched/videoed. (they just completed SNUBA diving in the park - what an experience that was!! All good) It should work out fine. They are very professional.


I was wondering if you found the dolphins to be tired out by 3:30 after "performing" all day long. I had heard earlier that they tend to get tired, but then also that by booking the last one of the day, you got extra time to spend. What do you think?


Just be careful of the time cause we tried to book the dolphin encounter and the slot we wanted (3pm CST) was full so she bumped us to 3:30pm CST which would not work for us as our ship leaves at 5pm EST ( I'm thinking the ship will be on EST) on the departing time in the brochure therefore we'd have to be back by 3:30pm CST (or 4:30pm EST) we had to cancel and are just going to take a cab to the park and relax/snorkel and swim. I wouldn't want to MISS the ship cause of the encounter...that would suck.


We did the "dolphin encounter" while in Freeport, but this time around we have booked the "royal swim" in Cozumel. IMO the encounter was not worth the money, but then again, we went without the kids. Our kids probably would have enjoyed it.

We had about 5 minutes in the water with the dolphins (in groups of 3 at a time), the rest of the time you sit along the side with your feet dangling in the water, watch them do tricks, and watch as the other people get their time with the dolphins.

We had a very strange trainer with our group, and she talked EXTENSIVELY about the sex organs and sex life of dolphins! :lol She was a bit obsessed with it.

If you're worried about missing the ship, you can always pay more and book directly onboard the ship. Just book it as soon as possible, cause it fills up fast!


Our dolphins did not appear tired. They seemed like big puppies that couldn't wait to play. Maybe by 3:30 in the afternoon they had already had a Siesta!! We had a great trainer and video crew (they interact also). Our dolphins were Picasso and Triton, but I don't remember the trainer name!

Good luck.