'Vegas Jim

CNN just reported that new guidelines, in effect immediately, are that checked luggage should not be locked since it may need to be hand checked after you check it and it's screened by the big machines "down below." If you want it secured, they will give you a small lock (looks like it's breakable) and if they need to open it they will put a card inside saying it was hand searched and put a different color lock back on your bag.

What do you think of this?


I think it is absurd. What's to prevent somebody from putting something in your unlocked luggage? You might as well tie a big red ribbon around your bag with a card that says "Merry Christmas Baggage Handlers." I will continue to lock my luggage and if they want to open it they can call me, I will unlock it and they can check it in front of me.

'Vegas Jim

That would be fine, if that were the plan. However, it's not. You turn your baggage in. You go on through security and on to your gate. In the meantime, your baggage is sent down to the basement and put through the new machines. If they need to get in, they will not call you. They will cut the locks off and search your bag. As the regs stand now, we have no choice and no oversight of the process. The only exception would be those few airports that have no underground baggage processing areas and just have the machines off to the side somewhere.

Larry Diamond

If that's a gov't reg I like to find the link to this new practice. I have no problem if they want to go through my luggage in my presence but when I'm not there what's to stop anyone from taking what they want.

Larry Diamond

Thanks for the link, guess I won't be locking my suitcase & I will pass the word along to all I travel with. Hava a Great Holiday!

Zuiderdam 1/11/03

'Vegas Jim

I just left a message at the TSA website, and encourage others to do the same.


I think if the baggage handlers wanted into my luggage, they could have cutters with them below and cut my lock and get in there just as easy and I could never find out who did it.

Welcome to post 911. Getting to the point where driving might not be a bad option.


I question whether ANY of this has ANYTHING to do with 9/11 -because it seems to make NO common sense at all. The last admonition in our Newspaper was; "If you are traveling with 2 or more small children and request privacy" etc etc - THINK about it - IS a terrorist LIKELY to be a mother with small children? Of course not - In Florida last year I watched an 80 year old woman in a pink Chanel-type suit being WANDED -with her legs spread....Its ridiculous and an invasion of privacy THAT SERVES NO PURPOSE! If it WAS designed to rout out terrorists, then fine- but THAT was DUMB! Now our luggage is being put NOT in a SAFER mode -but one that almost INVITES terrorism - what could be BETTER than to put a bomb in some ANONYMOUS unlocked suitcase!!!!! I read several months ago where someone in Washington with [supposedly] common sense -was hired to steamline all this - I thought "Good; middle America will be SAVED some STUPID inconveniences" But evidently either he was hired or........anyway- we SEEM to be in the hands of idiots!Anne :daisy:usa:CO


Maybe we should all be opting for freestyle cruising where we need less luggage



Tell me about it! Last April, my boyfriend and I, who are both in the US military, were subjected to not just having our baggage checked at check in, but also being searched at security (both bags and persons) and at the gate (again both bags and persons). I understand the reasons behind the searches and all the security. but you think they could search a person once and give them a tag of a sticker or a pic or something so we wouldn't have to unpack and repack everything 3-4 times in one day. To add to it, the security people tried to walk off with my bf's wallet, which needless to say, mde him a little upset.

I am glad they have started to get a more reasonable form of security, but I am still uncomfortable with the fact that they can open and go thru my luggage without my permission or my observation. Wish there were a better way...
